2. |
This calendar provides a guide to the required procedures and relevant due dates. Schools are kindly requested to adhere to submission dates given by district offices in order to meet the deadlines indicated in the calendar. |
3. |
Performance management is a system which links organisational strategies and goals to subunit goals and then to individual posts. It is aimed at giving direction to and enhancing individual performance, thereby increasing organisational and institutional effectiveness. It is therefore a system that is about the development of competencies in the interests of the individual/institution/department. |
4. |
Continual performance management assists in:
- establishing a culture of performance excellence;
- improving awareness and understanding of expectations;
- improving communication;
- encouraging fair and objective assessment;
- providing opportunities for development needs;
- proactively managing unsatisfactory performance;
- guiding and supporting employees; and
- providing a basis for future decisions.
5. |
It is imperative that all principals and staff ensure that performance evaluations are conducted regularly. All educators, whether appointed permanently, on probation or on contract, are to undergo a performance evaluation and each performance rating must be based on evidence. The monitoring of and support for performance is a continuous process. |
6. |
It is the responsibility of all principals and educators to ensure that reviews and final evaluations are conducted as stipulated in the IQMS Collective Agreement 8 of 2003. It is vital that the due dates for submission of the required documentation are adhered to. |
7. |
The non-submission of these documents could result in an educator not being granted pay progression. Principals will be held accountable for the submission of the required documentation. |
8. |
Kindly bring the contents of this minute to the attention of all educators under your supervision. |
DATE: 2018:11:21