1. |
The Department of Public Service and Administration (DPSA) issued DPSA Circular 5 of 2017, dated 15 September 2017, to inform departments on the changes of the Performance Management and Development System (PMDS) as well as the attached Determination and Directive on the PMDS for employees other than members of the Senior Management Service (SMS) to assist departments with the implementation. |
2. |
The Determination and Directive on the PMDS for employees other than members of the SMS issued in terms of sections 3(1), 3(2) and 4(3) of the Public Service Act, 1994 (Act 103 of 1994), read with regulations 71 and 72 of Public Service Regulation (PSR), 2016, published in Government Gazette No. 40167 of 29 July 2016, will be effective from 01 April 2018. |
3. |
The management of performance should still be done in a consultative, supportive and non-discriminatory manner to enhance organisational efficiency, effectiveness and accountability for the use of resources and the achievement of organisational goals. Cognisance should be taken of the following major key changes: |
3.1 |
Each Key Result Area (KRA) should be weighted as a percentage according to the level of importance and impact it has in the employee's job. The weighting of all the KRAs should aggregate to 100%. Note: The weight of each KRA shall not be less than 10% and shall not exceed 30%. |
3.2 |
Employees shall identify, discuss and agree on the Generic Assessment Factors (GAFs) that are most relevant to their area of work. The attached GAFs shall not be weighted or assessed independently, but must be incorporated and assessed in an integrated manner with the KRAs. GAFs describe the competency requirements, taking into consideration the knowledge, skills and attributes relevant to the employee’s work, i.e. job knowledge, technical skills, acceptance of responsibility, quality of work, reliability, initiative, communication, interpersonal relationships, flexibility, team work, planning and execution, leadership, delegation and empowerment, and the management of human and financial resources. |
3.3 |
The conducting of mid-year performance reviews and annual performance assessments are compulsory and must be in writing. The annual assessment shall reflect the performance of the employee for the entire performance cycle (April to March). |
3.4 |
A four-point rating scale shall be used to assess the performance of employees other than members of the SMS. A rating of "3" on the scale entails "fully effective". In terms of this approach to performance rating, an employee who is rated "fully effective" has fully complied with the requirements of the job.
The table below explains the four-point rating scale, categories of performance and the associated descriptions:
Rating |
Category and score |
Description |
1 |
Not effective (less or equal to 66%) |
Performance does not meet the expected standard for the job. The review/assessment indicates that the jobholder has achieved less than fully effective results against all or almost all of the performance criteria and indicators as specified in the Performance Agreement (PA) and Work plan. |
2 |
Partially effective (67%–99%) |
Performance meets some of the standards expected for the job. The review/assessment indicates that the jobholder has achieved less than fully effective results (partially achieved) against more than half of the performance criteria and indicators as specified in the PA and Work plan. |
3 |
Fully effective (100%–119%) |
Performance fully meets the standard expected in all areas of the job. The review/assessment indicates that the jobholder has achieved, as a minimum, effective results against all of the performance criteria and indicators as specified in the PA and Work plan. |
4 |
Highly effective (120%–133%) |
Performance far exceeds the standard expected of a jobholder at this level. The review/assessment indicates that the jobholder has achieved better than fully effective results against more than half/or in all areas of the performance criteria and indicators as specified in the PA and Work plan and maintained this in all areas of responsibility throughout the performance cycle. |
3.5 |
Only whole numbers must be used in the scoring (no decimals numbers, e.g. 3,5, are allowed). |
4. |
It is important that the due dates as per the SPMDS calendar and planning calendar for schools are firmly adhered to, especially the dates when the PA and six-monthly reviews must be submitted. Employees will not benefit from receiving performance incentives should the documents not be submitted on time.
The due dates for the 2018/2019 cycle are as follow:
Activity |
Due date |
Conclude performance agreements |
30 April 2018 |
Submit certificates |
31 May 2018 |
Conclude training needs and submit certificates |
31 May 2018 |
Conclude six-monthly reviews and submit certificates |
28 September 2018 |
Conclude and submit final assessments scores |
19 April 2019 |
5. |
Employees are discouraged from amending a PA in the last quarter of a performance cycle (i.e. January to 31 March), unless changes to the employee’s job description, job grade, organisational structure of the Western Cape Education Department (WCED) or its functions or amendments to the objectives and priorities result in significant changes to the content of the job of the employee. In such cases the amended PA must be accompanied by a written motivation signed by the supervisor and the head of the component. |
6. |
If an employee is absent with permission or on precautionary suspension for a continuous period of three months or longer, the affected employee shall be regarded as having performed satisfactorily for that period of absence within that applicable performance cycle (Regulation 72 (12)). Periods of prolonged absence with permission include all types of approved leave. |
7. |
Mechanisms for dispute resolution must include any differences which might arise out of performance agreements, performance reviews and assessments. Any disagreement must first be resolved internally within the institution/unit/component/branch. If a dispute arises as contemplated in regulation 72(4) of the PSR, the Executive Authority or delegated official shall appoint a mediator, who shall be an employee, to consider the dispute within one month after the expiry of the due date for signing of the PA. |
8. |
Employees who are appointed on probation are compelled to complete four quarterly reviews and a final assessment which will be utilised to confirm their probation appointments. |
9. |
The PMDS policy of the Western Cape Government (WCG) is being amended in line with the Determination and Directive on the PMDS. |
9.1 |
Head Office and district office-based employees who utilise the Performance Management Information System (PERMIS) to record PAs and conclude reviews on are in the process of amendment. The necessary training in this regard will be provided. |
9.2 |
Support staff at schools will continue to follow the paper-based PA and review process. The existing forms for the PA and individual development plan, i.e. Annexure A and B, should still be utilised for the 2018/2019 cycle. Relevant training and training material will be provided and further communication relating to changes to the six-monthly and annual performance reviews will follow. |
10. |
Kindly bring the content of this minute to the attention of all staff under your supervision. |
DATE: 2018:03:07