1. National Treasury Regulation 21.2.1, published in Government Gazette No. 27388 of 15 March 2005, states that the Accounting Officer may approve the acceptance of any gift, donation or sponsorship to the state, whether such gifts, donations or sponsorships are in cash or kind. The authority in this regard has been delegated to an official with the rank of Chief Director – Item No. 15.2.1 of the Delegation of Powers by the Accounting Officer of the Western Cape Education Department (WCED), issued in terms of section 44(1)(a) of the Public Finance Management Act, 1999 (Act 1 of 1999), refers.

2. During previous financial years, certain challenges were identified with regard to the acceptance of donations of furniture and equipment at Head Office and district offices. These challenges include, inter alia, the acceptance of donations without the necessary approval, deviation from the procedures for the acceptance of such donations and deviation from the procedures to be followed after approval has been granted for the acceptance of such donations.

3. It is absolutely essential that responsibility managers ensure that no donations of furniture and equipment are accepted and taken possession of before the necessary approval has been obtained.

4. In view of the above, officials are kindly requested to strictly adhere to the following procedures with regard to the receiving of donations of furniture and equipment:
4.1 After an offer for a donation has been received, the Asset Management Unit at Head Office must immediately be informed in order to evaluate the condition of the furniture and/or equipment and to render support with regard to the process to be followed.
4.2 A letter must be obtained from the donor in which:
4.2.1 the reason for the donation is clearly stated;
4.2.2 it is clearly stated that nothing is expected in exchange for the donation; and
4.2.3 the furniture and/or equipment is listed with clear descriptions, quantities, purchase dates and the values of every item.
4.3 After a positive report in this regard has been received from the Asset Management Unit, responsibility managers are requested to submit the request for the acceptance of the donation to an official with the rank of at least Chief Director before any donations of furniture and equipment are accepted. The report from the Asset Management Unit must be attached as an annexure to the submission.
4.4 A copy of the approved submission must be submitted to the Asset Management Unit at Head Office, for the attention of Mr A Betz, Room 620, Grand Central Towers, Cape Town, who will arrange for the marking and barcoding of the assets and the updating of the asset register.
4.5 A register, of which an example is attached as Annexure A, must be kept by every Cost Centre, wherein all the donations received during the financial year are recorded. The information in this register is of the utmost importance as it will provide the necessary information that will be reported in the Annual Financial Statements of the WCED. In this regard your attention is kindly drawn to the content of Logistical Services Minute 0011/2006, dated 13 March 2006.
4.6 If the report from the Asset Management Unit does not support the acceptance of the donation, a letter must be sent to the donor in which the acceptance of the donation is declined.

5. It is trusted that the instructions contained in this minute will be adhered to at all times.

6. Enquiries regarding the content of this minute may be directed to Mr A Betz at tel. no. 021 467 2804.

7. Responsibility managers are kindly requested to ensure that all personnel are informed of the contents of this minute.

DATE: 2018:10:26

Public Finance Management Act, 1999 (Act 1 of 1999)  (size: 487 KB)
Annexure A  (size: 22 KB)