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As part of the Literacy/Numeracy Strategy all the teachers of Grade 1 to 4 in mainstream schools in the WCED are receiving Learning and Teaching Support Material to equip them more fully in supporting learners in literacy and numeracy. The following books will be delivered directly to the schools towards the end of February and March 2007:
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Structured Learning and Teaching Activities for the Acquisition of Basic Mathematical Concepts and Skills (English).
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Gestruktureerde Leer- en Onderrigaktiwiteite vir die aanleer van Basiese Wiskundige Konsepte en -vaardighede (Afrikaans).
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Structured Learning and Teaching Activities for the Acquisition of Basic Literacy Concepts and Skills (English).
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Gestruktureerde Leer- en Onderrigaktiwiteite vir die aanleer van Basiese Geletterdheidskonsepte en -vaardighede (Afrikaans).
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On receipt of the books they should be entered on the school's inventory list.
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Your co-operation is appreciated.
DATE: 2007:02:23