Enquiries: Saul Philander
Telephone: 021 467 2580
Fax: 021 467 2268
Reference: 12/3/3/24

Wes-Kaap Onderwysdepartement
Western Cape Education Department
ISebe IeMfundo IeNtshona Koloni







1. The Directorate: Institutional Management and Governance Planning [IMGP] is planning SGB Conferences to be held in September 2007. All school principals and the chairpersons of SGBs are invited to attend the conferences. See attached programme.
2. Three conferences will be held in the Western Cape for the schools in the following districts:
  • Breede River & Overberg at the Main Hall of the Boland College, Rainier Street, Worcester

  • 8:30 - 15:00: 1 September 2007

  • South Cape & Karoo in Pacaltsdorp at the Hope Centre Hall in the Eagle's Nest Building, 4 Olympic Drive, Dellville Park, Pacaltsdorp.

  • 8:30 - 15:00: 8 September 2007

  • The 4 Metropolitan Districts and West Coast & Winelands at the Multi-purpose Hall of the Cape Peninsula University of Technology, Keisergracht Street, Cape Town.

  • 8:30 - 15:00: 15 September 2007

See the attached directions.

3. School principals and SGB chairpersons are requested to travel together when attending the conference. Principals will be reimbursed for travel expenses where the distance travelled exceeds 100 km in one direction. In order to claim for travel expenses, the attached 'Subsistence and Transport' and Z43 forms must be handed in at the conference. Claims found to be incomplete or inaccurate shall not be paid. Please see the attached examples for assistance in completing the forms.
4. In the event of the school principal not being able to attend the conference, but the SGB chairperson does attend, the school is requested to cover the cost of the travel and to provide the Directorate: IMGP with proof of payment for reimbursement to the school.
5. Where the SGB chairperson travelled alone to the Conference and the distance exceeds 100 km in one direction, the Directorate: IMGP will reimburse the school upon receipt of the following verified documents:
  • An original letter [not a copy] displaying the letterhead of the school and signed by both the principal and treasurer, informing the WCED of the total cost for travel that was incurred by the school; and

  • the original cashed cheque issued to the SGB chairperson [and stamped by the bank],

  • OR

    the original cash voucher for a cash payment made to the chairperson and signed by the persons authorised to do so, plus the original receipt(s) made out to the school for the cash received and signed by the chairperson.

NB: Schools need to keep copies of all documents for reference and audit purposes.

6. Accommodation will only be provided for principals and SGB chairpersons who have to travel more than 200 km in one direction. Principals and chairpersons who will require accommodation need also to complete part B of the attached form. The information regarding accommodation is being requested well in advance to ensure availability. Requests for accommodation received after 24 August 2007 may not be successful. An email to confirm accommodation will be sent to each delegate requesting accommodation.
7. Persons/schools intending to attend the SGB conference must complete part A of the attached form and fax it to Mr Saul Philander at 021 467 2268, before 24 August 2007. The information is required well in advance to determine and manage the logistics for the event and to plan for a successful conference.
8. For further information and enquiries, you may contact Mr Saul Philander at 021 467 2580.
9. Principals are requested to ensure that the information in this minute is provided to and discussed with their SGB chairpersons within 4 working days of receipt of this minute to enable schools to respond within the given time frames.
10. Your speedy response will be appreciated.

DATE: 2007:08:14

Grand Central Towers, Lower Parliament Street, Private Bag X9114, Cape Town 8000
Please quote reference numbers in all correspondence
SAFE SCHOOLS: 0800 45 46 47
CLIENT CALL CENTRE: 0861 92 33 22

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Conference Programme  (size: 5 KB)
Directions to conference  (size: 6 KB)
Subsistence and Transport Claim Form and the Z43 Forms ("xls" format: requires Microsoft Excel)  (size: 69 KB)
"How to complete the Forms": examples  (size: 54 KB)
Attendance & Accommodation Forms  (size: 6 KB)