Enquiries: IA Opperman
Telephone: 021 467 2765
Fax: 021 467 2996
Reference: 4/2/3/8

Wes-Kaap Onderwysdepartement
Western Cape Education Department
ISebe IeMfundo IeNtshona Koloni







1. The JTrack System (JTS) replaced the Online Electronic File Tracking System and was put into operation during March 2007. The latter system was upgraded to track the movement of files more accurately.
2. In spite of the new facilities which the office now has at its disposal, it happens too easily that files get lost or that they cannot be traced immediately.
3. An investigation was launched to determine the reasons for the above-mentioned problems and also to determine to what degree the true status of files at certain work stations corresponds with what is reflected on the JTS. The results of the investigation were the following:
3.1 The Inbox and Outbox facilities of many officials are overloaded;
3.2 Officials do not acknowledge receipt of files that were sent to them;
3.3 It happens that files, which are sent to other officials, are not marked out to such officials on the JTS;
4. In order to improve the utilisation of the JTS, all officials are requested to do the following:
4.1 Acknowledge receipt on the JTS of all files carried in the inbox immediately when the files arrive;
4.2 No files on the JTS must be marked to another person unless the file is definitely on route to that person.
4.3 If you notice that your outbox remains full, then please report this to the person responsible for the Jtrack in your respective Registries.
4.4 Identify training needs within your component and provide these to the person responsible for the Jtrack in your respective Registries.
4.5 Establish whether the files appearing in the "on your desk" field on the JTS correspond with those at your workstation.
5. To ensure that the above instructions are carried out, inspections will be done on workstations during August 2007. Disciplinary steps will be considered against officials who disregard the above-mentioned measures.
6. In an effort to further enhance the JTS, a questionnaire was developed. It would therefore be appreciated if the attached questionnaire could be completed and sent to Mrs M Fick, General Registry, Room 6-22, Grand Central Towers.
7. Any enquiries regarding the content of this minute must be directed to:
Mr IA Opperman  021 467 2765
Ms M Fick       021 467 2758
Ms C Currie     021 467 5757
8. Please bring the contents of this minute to the attention of all concerned.

DATE: 2005:08:15

Grand Central Towers, Lower Parliament Street, Private Bag X9114, Cape Town 8000
Please quote reference numbers in all correspondence
SAFE SCHOOLS: 0800 45 46 47
CLIENT CALL CENTRE: 0861 92 33 22

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