1. According to the latest statistics on reported cases, there has been an increase in the number of abscondment cases reported to the Directorate: Labour Relations. It has therefore become necessary to reiterate clearly the relevant legislation on the matter, and to direct the heads of institutions to make this policy known to all employees.
2. Your attention is therefore drawn to Section 14(1)(a) of the Employment of Educators Act (Act number 76 of 1998) and Section 17(5)(a) of the Public Service Act (Proclamation 103 of 1994), both read with WCED Circular 0005 of 2000, relating to the policy on abscondment for educators and public servants respectively.
3. An educator who is absent without permission for a period longer than fourteen (14) consecutive days, or a public servant who is absent for a period longer than 30 calendar days, will be deemed to have absconded in terms of the relevant section as stated above. This means that the employee will be deemed to have discharged him or herself from service.
4. Heads of institutions and managers are required to point out the seriousness of this matter to all staff members and to inform them of the possible consequences should they abscond.
5. The contents of this minute must be brought to the attention of all personnel, who must sign an acknowledgement that they understand it. The record of this acknowledgement must be kept on file at the school for future reference.

DATE: 2007:10:22