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Revised National Curriculum Statement Grade R-9 (Schools)

Grade Nine

Learning Area: Life Orientation
( Further information on the Outcomes for this Learning Area )

Learning Outcome 1:  Health Promotion

The learner will be able to make informed decisions regarding personal,community and environmental health.

Assessment standards

We know this when the learner:

  • Illustrates and evaluates the influence of ecological, social, economic, cultural and political factors on own personal choice of diet.
  • Develops and implements an environmental health programme.
  • Investigates personal and social factors that contribute to substance abuse and suggests appropriate responses and rehabilitation options.
  • Critically evaluates resources on health information, health services and a range of treatment options, including HIV/AIDS.
  • Discusses ways to apply insights gained from participating in an activity related to national health or a safety promotion programme.

Learning Outcome 2:  Social Development

The learner will be able to demonstrate an understanding of and commitment to constitutional rights and responsibilities, and to show an understanding of diverse cultures and religions.

Assessment standards

We know this when the learner:

  • Debates issues with regard to citizens’ rights and personal choices.
  • Reports on participation in or planning of the local celebration of a national day.
  • Critically discusses social relationships in a variety of situations.
  • Critically investigates issues of diversity in South Africa and ways in which to promote understanding of diverse cultures.
  • Reflects on and discusses the contributions of various religions in promoting peace.

Learning Outcome 3:  Personal Development

The learner will be able to use acquired life skills to achieve and extend personal potential to respond effectively to challenges in his or her world.

Assessment standards

We know this when the learner:

  • Analyses and reflects on positive personal qualities in a range of contexts.
  • Critically discusses own rights and responsibilities in interpersonal relationships.
  • Responds appropriately to emotions in challenging situations.
  • Explains what has been learned from a challenging personal interaction by critically reflecting on own behaviour.
  • Applies goal-setting and decision-making strategies.
  • Critically evaluates own application of problem-solving skills in a challenging situation.

Learning Outcome 4:  Physical Development and Movement

The learner will be able to demonstrate an understanding of, and participate in, activities that promote movement and physical development.

Assessment standards

We know this when the learner:

  • Participates in and evaluates own performance in an adventurous recreational outdoor activity.
  • Refines and evaluates own and peer movement performance including rotation, balance and elevation.
  • Assesses own physical wellness level and sets personal goals for improvement.
  • Critically evaluates and executes a game plan for individual or team sport.
  • Reports on and discusses sport ethics.

Learning Outcome 5:  Orientation to the World of Work

The learner will be able to make informed decisions about further study and career choices.

Assessment standards

We know this when the learner:

  • Researches study and career funding providers.
  • Motivates own career and study choices.
  • Critically reflects and reports on opportunities in the workplace.
  • Discusses rights and responsibilities in the workplace.
  • Outlines a plan for own lifelong learning.

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