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Revised National Curriculum Statement Grades R-9 (Schools)

Grade Eight

Learning Area: Social Sciences (History)
( Further information on the Outcomes for this Learning Area )

Learning Outcome 1:  Historical Enquiry

The learner will be able to use enquiry skills to investigate the past and present.

Assessment standards

The learner continues to ask questions about aspects of the past, and asks questions to begin an investigation of a topic.

We know this when the learner:

  • Continues to identify and select a variety of historical and archaeological sources relevant to an inquiry [finds sources].
  • Evaluates the sources used (e.g. ‘Who created the source?’, ‘Is it reliable?’, ‘How useful is the information?’) [works with sources].
  • Interprets graphical and statistical sources [works with sources].
  • Presents an original idea as part of an answer to questions posed [answers the question].
  • Communicates knowledge and understanding by constructing own interpretation and argument based on the historical sources (including extended writing, artwork, graphics and drama); uses information technology where available and appropriate [communicates the answer].

Learning Outcome 2:  Historical Knowledge and Understanding

The learner will be able to demonstrate historical knowledge and understanding.

Assessment standards

We know this when the learner:

  • Begins to make links between historical events and processes in different contexts in the same period [chronology and time].
  • Recognises that causes and effects of events vary in importance [cause and effect].
  • Explains changes in a wider historical and environmental context [change and continuity].

Learning Outcome 3:  Historical Interpretation

The learner will be able to interpret aspects of history.

Assessment standards

We know this when the learner:

  • Examines historical interpretation by asking relevant questions about the author of an historical source [source interpretation].
  • Identifies and gives reasons for the different ways that the past is represented and interpreted [source interpretation].
  • Explains why history is not objective or neutral [source interpretation].
  • Recognises that sense of identity may influence the way events in the past are interpreted [influences on interpretation].
  • Describes main features and uses of material remains of the past in a given context [representation of the past].
  • Explains the importance of conserving our natural and cultural heritage (e.g. objects, buildings, heritage sites) [representation of the past].
  • Explains how and why people’s memories of the past might differ [representation of the past].

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