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Revised National Curriculum Statement Grade R-9 (Schools)

Grade Eight

Learning Area: Languages - Second Additional Language
( Further information on the Outcomes for this Learning Area )

Learning Outcome 1:  Listening

The learner will be able to listen for information and enjoyment, and respond appropriately and critically in a wide range of situations.

Assessment standards

We know this when the learner:

  • Listens to and responds to questions (e.g. ‘What should I/she do?’).
  • Listens to a short conversation.
  • Listens to simple stories and factual texts.
  • Listens to/views some short, authentic texts (e.g. part of a popular television ‘soapie’).
  • Distinguishes the sounds of the language (important for pronunciation, reading and writing).
  • Recognises some features of intonation and stress.
  • Writes a short dictation.

Learning Outcome 2:  Speaking

The learner will be able to communicate confidently and effectively in spoken language in a wide range of situations.

Assessment standards

We will know this when the learner:

  • Responds appropriately to questions (e.g. ‘What do you think I should do?’ ‘I think you should...’ ‘If I were you, I would...’).
  • Does a simple class survey (e.g. the things we worry about most), uses a table or graph to present the results, and gives a report-back.
  • Takes part in a simple conversation (e.g. sharing a problem and asking for advice).
  • Asks for clarification (e.g. ‘I’m not sure I understand. Are you saying that...?’).
  • Understands cultural similarities and differences (e.g. what kind of personal information you can ask for in different cultures, what kind of things you can discuss in different cultures, taboos).
  • Role-plays some familiar situations (e.g. ‘problems’ which young people experience).

Learning Outcome 3:  Reading and Viewing

The learner will be able to read and view for information and enjoyment, and respond critically to the aesthetic, cultural and emotional values in texts.

Assessment standards

We know this when the learner:

  • Reads different kinds of stories and factual texts.
  • Reads songs, poems, stories and factual texts.
  • Reads some short authentic texts (e.g. letters from the advice page of a teenage magazine).
  • Critically views an advertisement.
  • Reads a number of graded readers (2000-2500 word level).
  • Demonstrates a reading vocabulary of about 2500 words by the end of Grade 8.

Learning Outcome 4:  Writing

The learner will be able to write different kinds of factual and imaginative texts for a wide range of purposes.

Assessment standards

We know this when the learner:

  • Writes a letter (e.g. to an advice column).
  • Writes a reply to a letter.
  • Writes and performs a simple dialogue (e.g. asking for and giving advice).
  • Writes a short, simple story.
  • Translates a short text from one language to another (e.g. the message on a postcard).
  • Does some word puzzles and plays games (e.g. a crossword puzzle, Scrabble).
  • Forms and spells new words (e.g. by adding ‘-ing’ or ‘-ed’ to verbs: hop/hopping/hopped, hope/hoping/hoped).

Learning Outcome 6:  Language Structure and Use

The learner will know and be able to use the sounds, words and grammar of the language to create and interpret texts.

Assessment standards

We know this when the learner:

  • Pronounces words, and uses word and sentence stress and intonation reasonably accurately.
  • Understands and uses determiners (e.g. a, an, the).
  • Understands and uses prepositions (e.g. at, to, in).
  • Understands and uses past progressive (e.g. ‘He was reading a book.').
  • Understands and uses modals to express obligation and necessity:
    • ‘You must be careful.’ (necessity);
    • ‘You should be careful.’ (desirable);
    • ‘You shouldn’t be careless.’ (undesirable);
    • ‘You mustn’t be careless.’ (forbidden).
  • Understands and uses phrasal verbs (e.g. put up with, own up, step down).
  • Records vocabulary in a personal dictionary.
  • Demonstrates a reading vocabulary of approximately 2500 words by the end of Grade 8.

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