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Revised National Curriculum Statement Grades R-9 (Schools)

Grade Four

Learning Area: Technology
( Further information on the Outcomes for this Learning Area )

Learning Outcome 1:  Technological Processes and Skills

The learner will be able to apply technological processes and skills ethically and responsibly using appropriate information and communication technologies.

Assessment standards

We know this when the learner:

    • Finds out,with assistance,about the background context (e.g.people, environment) when given a problem,need or opportunity.
    • Finds out about existing products relevant to a problem, need or opportunity, and identifies the main design aspects (e.g.who it is for, what is it for, what it looks like) that make them suitable as a solution.
    • Performs,where appropriate,scientific investigations about concepts relevant to a problem, need or opportunity using science process skills:
      • planning investigations;
      • conducting investigations;
      • processing and interpreting data;
      • evaluating and communicating findings.

    • Writes or communicates, with assistance, a short and clear statement (design brief) for the development of a product for a given purpose.
    • Suggests and records at least two possible solutions to the problem or need that link to the design brief and to given specifications or constraints (e.g.people, purpose, environment).
    • Chooses one of these solutions, giving reasons for the choice.

    • Briefly outlines a plan for making,listing the main steps.
    • Uses suitable tools and materials to make products by measuring, marking out, cutting simple forms in a variety of materials, and joining them using a range of techniques.
    • Works neatly and safely.

    • Evaluates, with assistance, the product according to the design brief, and suggests improvements and modifications if necessary.

    • Produces simple two-dimensional sketches, enhanced with colour where appropriate.
    • Makes presentations (posters, charts or models) of design ideas and final product, by combining simple two-dimensional text and sketches.

Learning Outcome 2:  Technological Knowledge and Understanding

The learner will be able to understand and apply relevant technological knowledge ethically and responsibly.

Assessment standards

We know this when the learner:

    • Demonstrates knowledge and understanding of how to strengthen the structure of products by folding, tubing, and using triangular webs or strong joints.

    • Demonstrates knowledge and understanding of the properties of common materials (e.g.wood, food, clay, plastic, paper, fabric), and how these properties influence the effectiveness of products.

    Systems and Control
    • Demonstrates knowledge and understanding of how to use simple mechanisms (e.g.wheels and axles, pivots, hinges) to make a product move in some way.

Learning Outcome 3:  Technology, Society and the Environment

The learner will be able to demonstrate an understanding of the interrelationships between science, technology, society and the environment.

Assessment standards

We know this when the learner:

    Indigenous Technology and Culture
    • Describes how local indigenous cultures have used scientific principles or technological products for specific purposes.

    Impact of Technology
    • Expresses opinions about how technological products make people’s lives easier.

    Bias in Technology
    • Expresses reasons why certain groups of people might be disadvantaged when using technological products.

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