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Revised National Curriculum Statement Grades R-9 (Schools)

Grade One

Learning Area: Natural Sciences
( Further information on the Outcomes for this Learning Area )

Learning Outcome 1:  Scientific Investigations

The learner will be able to act confidently on curiosity about natural phenomena, and to investigate relationships and solve problems in scientific, technological and environmental contexts.

Assessment standards

We know this when the learner:

  • Plans: Plans an investigation independently.
  • Achievement is evident when the learner, for example,
    • shows how self plans to find out about things which are found to be curious;
    • uses pictures,drawings or other markings of choice to explain what is going to be done.

  • Does: Independently participates in planned activity.
  • Achievement is evident when the learner, for example,
    • carries out instructions independently and shows or tells what is being done.

  • Reviews: Thinks about what has been done and says what has been found out.
  • Achievement is evident when the learner, for example,
    • individually or with assistance,‘shows and tells’ what was done using own ideas and objects to explain what aroused curiosity.

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