Media Release
Minister of Education Debbie Schäfer
Western Cape

14 January, 2019

Deadline for applications for re-marking or re-checking scripts, and to write "supplementary exams" is Tuesday, 22nd January 2019.

Statement by Minister Debbie Schäfer, Minister of Education

While many candidates are celebrating their success in the 2018 National Senior Certificate examinations, there are candidates who did not receive the results that they had hoped to achieve.

A number of candidates will qualify to write the "Supplementary examinations", which now forms part of the second national exam which takes place in May/June 2019 - presenting them with another opportunity to pass their NSC.

Candidates also now have the opportunity to have their scripts re-marked or re-checked or to view their scripts.

Details on how to apply for a re-mark, re-check or the supplementary exams are as follows:

Supplementary Examinations

Candidates qualify to write supplementary examinations if the following apply:

Only candidates who were registered for and wrote the November 2018 NSC examination.

2018 Grade 12 learners may register to write the examination if:

  • they failed to meet the requirements in the November examination;

  • they passed but seek to improve their performance; or

  • they were absent from the writing of one or more question papers due to ill-health or other unforeseen circumstances.

Application forms and additional information can be found on the WCED website ( - click on "NSC Exam Results 2017").

Tuesday 22nd January 2019 is the closing date for applications to write supplementary examinations in May/ June 2019, as well as applications for re-marking, re-checking and viewing scripts.

Re-marking and re-checking of scripts

Applications for re-marking or re-checking can only be done online using the registration services on: No hard copy applications for re-marking will be accepted.

Candidates can also apply to have their scripts re-marked for subjects they have failed or where they did not obtain the results they needed for specific purposes - for example - to obtain a bursary or satisfy university requirements.

Candidates may submit an application for the re-check or re-mark of their scripts if they feel that the mark allocated is not a true reflection of their performance on the papers written.

  • A re-mark means that the original answer script is marked for a second time by a marker.

  • A re-check of your scripts is a further check to ensure that all questions are duly marked and that all marks are correctly calculated.

  • What is an application for a viewing?
    • Once you have received your results, AFTER re-checking and re-marking, you may apply to view your answer script.

    • Apply to view your answer scripts at with proof of payment.

The fee for re-marking of scripts is R105 per subject.

Candidates may apply for their scripts to be checked to ensure that all answers have been marked, and that the marks have been added and processed correctly. The fee for the re-checking of scripts is R25 per subject and is non-refundable.

Applicants will be notified by letter about the results of the re-checking of scripts. Where applicable, an amended Advice of Results will be issued.

Viewing of scripts

If not satisfied with the outcome of a re-mark, candidates may apply for the viewing of their scripts at R205.00 per subject.

A written request must be submitted within fourteen (14) days after the official release of the re-mark results.

Refunding of re-marking fee

The WCED will refund re-marking fees in the following cases:

  • The candidate passes a subject or subjects which he or she initially failed; or

  • The candidate is awarded marks that improve the result in a subject by at least one level of achievement.

The department will refund the fees in these cases once it has completed the re-marking process for all subjects. Candidates must therefore keep their receipts for these fees in a safe place.

Where a refund is necessary an original BAS form must be completed by the candidate. This form may be downloaded from the WCED website and may be posted, hand delivered or emailed to the Department for processing.

Application forms

The forms for the re-marking and re-checking of scripts can be obtained on the WCED website ( - click on "NSC Exam Results 2018").

Application for re-marking or re-checking must be made on the prescribed forms. Separate forms must be submitted for re-checking and re-marking of examination scripts.

Re-marking, re-checking and viewing fees can be paid directly into the Department's bank account (see details on the application form). Payments can also be made electronically by means of an EFT. The proof of payment, as well as the completed application documents, must be emailed to

Candidates may also submit applications by hand at the WCED Head Office in Cape Town (Client Services Division, 2nd Floor, Grand Central Building, Lower Parliament Street, Cape Town) or via post to:

Head: Education
Attention: Ms Dooling
Western Cape Education Department
Private Bag X9114


Candidates can access all the forms required from the website ( click on "NSC Exam Results 2018").

Candidates may also request the forms via the following telephone numbers and email addresses:

I urge all these candidates to make use of these opportunities and put in their best effort to obtain their National Senior Certificate.

The department will notify applicants by letter about the results of the re-marking or re-checking of scripts before 25th February 2019. Where applicable, an amended Advice of Results will be issued.

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