Media Release
Minister of Education Donald Grant
Western Cape

26 May, 2011

Interactive telematics programme benefitting more learners across the province

Statement by Minister Donald Grant, Minister of Education, Western Cape


The Interactive Telematics programme is a virtual learning environment which helps assist learners in preparation for the NSC. This year, a further 24 schools will benefit from the programme. In September, Grade 11 learners will also, for the first time, benefit from the programme.

The Western Cape Government is committed to ensure that we continue to improve Grade 12 learner outcomes in the National Senior Certificate examinations.

A number of interventions have been introduced at schools to help improve performance, particularly at underperforming schools. One of our most successful programmes is the Interactive Telematics Teaching Programme which is a collaborative project between the WCED and the Division of Telematic Services at Stellenbosch University.

The project consists of live televised broadcasts of lessons which are beamed directly to high schools across the province via satellite.

Broadcasted subjects include Mathematics, Physical Sciences, Life Sciences, Accounting, English First Additional Language, Afrikaans Home Language and Geography.

The programme allows learners to interact with the presenter in the studio through the Internet or a cellphone. They can also pose questions to the presenter after the broadcasts. WCED educators with excellent presentation skills and subject knowledge are appointed to teach the various subjects on offer, and curriculum planners have developed additional resource materials to complement the lessons being presented.

Live Lessons are held after school hours during the week and on Sundays on selected days. This year’s programme began in March and will run right up until the start of the 2011 NSC in October.

The programme was first introduced in July 2009, with a pilot of 10 schools. After the pilot’s success, the programme was expanded in 2010 to include a further 110 schools.

A recent survey on the 2010 programme by Stellenbosch University found that 90% of the participants attended the programme because they believed that it helped them understand the content better. Learners also indicated that it helped them prepare for examinations and motivated them to study further.

According to the survey, principals found that the programme introduced educators to a wider range of teaching methodologies and that their subject knowledge also improved by attending the broadcasts.

This year, 24 additional schools will benefit from the programme. These schools will receive DVDs on the broadcasts each month and will be given additional learner support material to compliment the lessons. Learners are able to interact with the presenters via email or the WCED’s e-learning website regarding any questions they might want to raise on the content of the DVDs.

In September, the WCED will also be expanding the programme to include Grade 11s and will include the same subjects as for Grade 12, but with Grade 11 content.

DVDs of the broadcast will also be sent to all the schools for revision purposes prior to the November and NSC examinations.

This year, the programme has again received phenomenal support from learners across the province and we look forward to see what impact it will make on the overall performance of our learners at the end of the year.

I would like to thank Stellenbosch University and officials of the WCED for making this intervention possible and to the principals and educators for embracing this project and making it a success.

For enquiries, contact Bronagh Casey:  072 724 1422 or

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