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7 October, 2010 | |
Financial management - WCED best in the country I am pleased to announce that the WCED was recently recognized by the Southern African Institute of Government Auditors (SAIGA) as having the most consistently high performance in financial management of any government department in the country over the last three years. “This is a prestigious honour and is testimony to the enormous effort that is put into ensuring that that the financial management of the WCED is maintained at a consistently high standard,” said Western Cape Minister for Education Donald Grant. In terms of the SAIGA’s findings, any government department that achieves a score in excess of 90% is evidence that the relevant department applies the highest management standards. The WCED has averaged 93.5% over the last three years. “The Western Cape government is committed to ensuring that public funds are spent in a transparent and accountable fashion, ensuring wherever possible that every cent of public money is used to improve the lives of the citizens of the Western Cape,” said Grant. “In this context I am especially pleased that the WCED has achieved this accolade. Our challenge is now to ensure that we maintain this very high standard.”
Background information (http://www.saiga.co.za/) SAIGA has managed this project with the support and co-operation of the Accountant-General as well as the Auditor-General. The Award Panel and the Technical Award Committee is constituted from SAIGA office bearers, experts in the field of public sector reporting, representatives of the Office of the Accountant-General and the Auditor-General. The Awards are managed and administered by an independent Institute. Quality assurance, technical analysis and evaluation, is administered by the Department of Auditing, University of Pretoria For enquiries, contact Bronagh Casey: 072 724 1422 or brcasey@pgwc.gov.za. Issued by: Millicent Merton acting Media Liaison Officer Office of the Minister of Education Western Cape Tel: 021 467 2377 Fax: 021 425 5689 Visit our website: http://wced.wcape.gov.za return to: WCED Home page | Media Releases Index page | |
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