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Media Release

12 March, 2009

Language of instruction training

Sixteen Western Cape teachers are about to complete a special training programme in using isiXhosa as the language of instruction.

The training programme forms part of a pilot project to extend mother-tongue education in primary schools to Grade 6.

The project includes a teacher training programme, to encourage teachers to complete Advanced Certificates in Education (ACE) in the use of isiXhosa in teaching, at the University of the Western Cape.

Sixteen teachers signed up for the first course. A second group of 32 teachers are interested the next course in the programme, possibly starting in July. The dates are still to be confirmed.

Further plans to expand this programme will depend on the success of this pilot project.

Meanwhile, the WCED also offers bursaries for ACE programmes in Foundation Phase teaching, which include language components.

The WCED will continue studying supply and demand for language teachers, especially in isiXhosa, and will design strategies for meeting demand.

These will include ensuring appropriate distribution of teachers, for example, where several language teachers may be concentrated in one school, and may be teaching subjects they are not qualified to teach.

Issued by:
Paddy Attwell
Director: Communication
Western Cape Education Department
Tel: 021 467 2531
Fax: 021 461 3694
Email: pattwell@pgwc.gov.za

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