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Media Release

21 January, 2009

Schools prepare for 2009 SGB elections

Many South Africans will get to vote twice this year - in the general elections as well as the election of governing bodies for all public schools.

The election of School Governing Bodies (SGBs) is scheduled to take place all over the country in June this year. These elections are the third largest democratic process in this country after the local and national elections.

Redewaan Larney, the WCED's co-ordinator of the provincial electoral team, says the election of governing bodies is a huge exercise and the department counts on the co-operation of everyone involved to make it a success.

He says it is important for parents to either avail themselves as candidates or vote in the election because SGBs have a say in the School Improvement Plan and therefore play an important role in the effort to bring about improvement. In this way they impact not only on their own children but on all the children at the school.

"The role of the school governing body is to ensure that schools and communities provide an environment that is conducive to effective learning and teaching. Voting in the upcoming elections will provide parents with a voice in matters relating to their children's schooling and a direct role in making school-based decisions by electing parent representatives of the school governing body."

Paul Colditz, Chief Executive Officer of the Federation of Governing Bodies of South African Schools (Fedsas), says there is a direct correlation between the involvement and support of parents and the school's performance. "It is understandably difficult for parents to attend meetings because of work or other obligations, but it is their responsibility to become more involved in their children's schooling.

The regulations governing the election of SGB members stipulate a quorum of 15%, but Colditz says many schools battle to achieve even that percentage when they schedule an election meeting.

Fedsas is canvassing education departments to set aside a day for elections. Colditz says this arrangement worked very well in the Free State where a 56% ballot was achieved in the last election in 2006.

To ensure that the scheduled elections run smoothly in the Western Cape, a Provincial Electoral Team, consisting of various stakeholders was established. Working in partnership with electoral teams in the districts and at schools, their role is to ensure that all schools are ready for the upcoming elections. It is also the role of the electoral team to ensure that all electoral officials are trained to ensure free and fair elections take place at all schools.

Allan Liebenberg, Organising Secretary of the National Association of School Governing Bodies (NASGB), says the skills SGB members are equipped with through the education department's ongoing training programme, can also serve them in other spheres of life. "Learning is never a loss. We have also seen how SGBs develop in terms of the skills parents bring with them and the training they receive."

Liebenberg says the NASGB would like to see some continuity between the outgoing SGB and new members.

All parents will be informed during April and May by the school and the local education districts of the specific date, time and venue of the elections.

For further information contact Mr I Morkel or Mr A Brierley at telephone numbers 021 467 2768 or 021 467 2210, or fax your queries to fax number 021 467 2996 or 021 467 2565.

Issued by:
Paddy Attwell
Director: Communication
Western Cape Education Department
Tel: 021 467 2531
Fax: 021 461 3694
Email: pattwell@pgwc.gov.za

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