1. The Customer Satisfaction Survey Report offers Western Cape Education Department (WCED) management an opportunity each year to reflect on the WCED’s service delivery and plan strategically to improve current levels.
2. In 2017, the survey was offered to all ordinary and special public schools for the second time and required a maximum of 10 institutional staff members per school to complete it. With 2017 celebrated as The Year of the Teacher, the number of respondents per school was increased from 5 to 10, a proactive attempt at increasing the responses from institutional staff. Respondents ranged from post level one to six, with most respondents having between 20 to 30 years experience.
3. The respondents rated the services offered by the WCED Head Office and district offices to schools using a five-point rating scale, where 1=exceptionally poor; 2=poor; 3=satisfactory; 4=good and 5=excellent. Respondents were also invited to comment on, compliment and/or criticise service delivery elements.
4. More than 72% of the targeted schools responded and 5 644 completed surveys were captured online through CEMIS. These ratings and/or inputs culminated in a full report available as feedback for reflection and encouragement for future participation towards continuous service delivery improvement.
5. The following highlights of the report are tabulated, where ratings of 1–2=poor, 3=satisfactory and 4–5=good.

6. Responses to the question "How do you rate WCED’s display and application of these values during delivery of services?" were particularly insightful and are appreciated. The WCED needs to continuously improve and requires all staff to support The Year of Values-Driven Learning.

7. The WCED wishes to express its appreciation to all who participated in the survey –administrative clerks for their role and principals for administering the exercise. The WCED will endeavour to investigate the complaints recorded, share the compliments received with staff and implement any feasible suggestions made. You are reminded that the WCED’s official complaints mechanism is managed by the Directorate: Communications and can be accessed at https://wcedonline.westerncape.gov.za/home/webmaster.html or by clicking on "Your feedback" on the WCED website.
8. Please access the full 2017 Customer Satisfaction Survey Report on the WCED website at https://wcedonline.westerncape.gov.za/documents/PlanningStrat/
and share the contents of this minute with all institutional staff.
9. The WCED wishes to thank all those who participated for helping it to continue improving its service delivery to you, our clients.

DATE: 2018:02:21