1. |
The National Heritage Council of South Africa has decided, as its responsibility, to contribute towards educating the nation about its heritage. One of the projects that seek to involve young learners in schools is the Heritage Education Schools Outreach Programme (HESOP). |
2. |
The programme is part of the Department of Basic Education’s (DBE) on-going initiative to encourage all learners to develop an understanding of South Africa’s cultural heritage and diversity, and is an opportunity for learners to develop important research skills. |
3. |
The Heritage competition will form part of the DBE’s contribution to strengthen the teaching and learning of History and Tourism in schools. |
4. |
The competition is open to all Grade 8 to 11 learners. Teams must consist of four learners and schools are advised to be gender-sensitive. All written work and presentations must be in English. |
5. |
There are two levels to this competition: |
5.1 |
A provincial level and a national level. Schools wishing to participate must complete and return the attached registration form (Annexure A) with a Portfolio of evidence to the subject adviser for History or Tourism in the district, by Wednesday, 01 August 2018.
The provincial competition will be held on Saturday, 01 September 2018. One school team will be selected to represent the Western Cape at the national competition. The venue will be confirmed to all participating schools via the subject advisers for History and Tourism. The Western Cape Education Department (WCED) will be responsible for covering all travel costs to and from the provincial competition. |
5.2 |
The national competition will be held from 01 to 05 October 2018. |
6. |
The theme for 2018 is Nelson Mandela Centenary celebrations. |
7. |
The format of the competition |
7.1 |
Learners are required to conduct research in three topics (Addendum B). The research conducted must be supported with interviews (questionnaire, interview schedules, interview transcripts and recordings, ethical considerations) and pictures. |
7.2 |
A research report, including illustrations and bibliography of about 10-12 pages long, is required. The paper must be on font size 12, on Arial style, and 1,5 spacing. The research paper should include (a) an abstract, (b) central argument(s) or the main body, (c) recommendations, (d) conclusion and (e) a bibliography or list of references. |
7.3 |
Teams will do an oral presentation of 20 minutes using PowerPoint, with an additional five minutes for questions by a panel of adjudicators. |
7.4 |
A portfolio of evidence must be submitted and should include items listed in paragraphs 7.1, 7.2 and 7.3. The portfolio of evidence must have (a) an index, (b) a table of contents and (c) a bibliography. |
8. |
The assessment criteria which will be used to adjudicate presentations at both provincial and national level are contained in Annexure C. |
10. |
Principals are kindly requested to bring the contents of this minute to the attention of the school management team and teachers concerned. |
DATE: 2018:07:04