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The Cape Teaching and Leadership Institute (CTLI) invites Grades R to 12 teachers to participate in the three-day Language and Mathematics in the 21st Century Conference, either as a presenter or a delegate. |
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The purpose of this conference, to be held in October 2018, is to provide an interactive platform for teaching professionals to engage in active debates on current and meaningful pedagogies and research ideas that will enhance the teaching and learning of Language and Mathematics. The aim of this conference will be to present a wide variety of sessions to facilitate a valuable exchange of knowledge, experience and best classroom practices to ensure that knowledge skills are developed in our learners for the future. |
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Teachers will be able to participate in this conference on two levels: |
3.1.1 |
Share your practical classroom experience, insights, innovations and creativity in Language or Mathematics; or |
3.1.2 |
Share research ideas to improve the teaching and learning of Language and Mathematics for effective outcomes. |
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The conference will take place from Tuesday, 02 October 2018, to Thursday, 04 October 2018. Conference sessions will start at 09:00 and end at 15:30 daily. |
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The venue for the conference will be the Cape Teaching and Leadership Institute, Nooiensfontein Road, Kuils River. |
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Enrolments for delegates will close once the first 1 000 online applications have been received by the CTLI. |
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Participants or presenters from the rural education districts travelling further than 120 km per return trip, may request to stay overnight in the Cape Teaching and Leadership Institute’s hostel, at the cost of the Western Cape Education Department (WCED). |
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The WCED hopes that this conference will be enriching for all Language and Mathematics teachers who attend it. |
DATE: 2018:07:10