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In Curriculum and Assessment Management Minute 0001/2017, dated 25 May 2017, it was indicated that Circular S1 of 2017 issued by the Department of Basic Education (DBE) would not be implemented by the Western Cape Education Department (WCED) as implications for progression and promotion had not been explained and greater clarity was awaited. |
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This minute serves to inform districts and schools that although the DBE is still negotiating the implementation of DBE Circular S1 of 2017 with stakeholders, the WCED has taken a decision to go ahead in the interim and partially implement these guidelines in the Foundation Phase only, in Grades 1 to 3, in 2018. |
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This decision is based on the assessment overload in the Foundation Phase in the Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS) which has reduced the time available for quality teaching, learning and informal assessments (formative/assessment for learning). |
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Annexure A provides guidance for implementing these changes in 2018. All schools with Grades 1 to 3 will be required to implement the guidelines set out in Annexure A. Foundation Phase subject advisers have been informed of the changes and will provide school support where requested. |
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Schools should note that the WCED 2018 recording schedule for the Foundation Phase will also only reflect the required one Formal Assessment Task per term per subject per grade as indicated in Annexure A. |
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The WCED has opted to refrain from implementing any further changes proposed in DBE Circular S1 of 2017 in the other grades until greater clarity is received from the DBE. |
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Principals are kindly requested to bring the contents of this minute to the attention of all teachers. |
DATE: 2018:01:12