1. |
You are referred to Institutional Resource Support Minute: 0007/2016, in which schools were informed that the process of capturing the names of Grades R to 12 learners making use of WCED-funded learner transport on CEMIS had been finalised. |
2. |
An opportunity will be given to principals to verify the details of learners making use of WCED-funded learner transport for the 2017 school year. Principals must ensure that learner names are correctly assigned to routes and pick-up points. This must be done from 15 to 19 May 2017. |
3. |
A pilot will be conducted, from 24 April 2017 to 05 May 2017, whereby a selected number of schools will be given the opportunity to verify their learner details. These schools will be contacted directly. |
4. |
Thereafter the remaining schools with learner transport routes will be given the opportunity to verify their learner details. |
5. |
Any discrepancies relating to learner names authorised for transport or learners listed who no longer make use of WCED-funded learner transport must be reported to Ms Rhonell de Vries at the Subdirectorate: Learner Transport Schemes (LTS) at Head Office via tel. no. 021 467 2136 or email to Rhonell.DeVries@westerncape.gov.za. |
6. |
The system will automatically remove the names of learners who have left the school. |
7. |
Please note that any additional learners authorised for transportation may only be captured by officials at the Subdirectorate: LTS after approval for their inclusion has been granted via the official LTS application process. |
8. |
Once the verification process has been finalised, principals will be required to sign off on learner transport details on CEMIS. |
9. |
Your cooperation is appreciated. |
DATE: 2017:04:04