1. |
As per instruction from the Department of Basic Education (DBE), Grades 10 to 12 learner information must be recorded on the National Examination System. |
2. |
This minute must be read in conjunction with Circular 00028/2016 as well as Knowledge and Information Management Minutes 0001/2017, 0002/2017 and 0003/2017 which addresses the management and administration of learner subject changes and learner data on CEMIS. |
3. |
The functionality is open on CEMIS for schools to make corrections to the personal details of their learners. |
4. |
This will be the final opportunity for schools to make any corrections to their Grades 10 to 12 learner information before the data is transferred to the National Examination System. |
5. |
Learner information on CEMIS will be extracted and transferred to the National Examination System. All question papers and examination related documentation will be packed and distributed to schools according to the CEMIS data signed-off by principals. |
6. |
The verification process in 2017 will be different to that of previous years. Schools will sign off and submit a report to Head Office verifying that all learner information on CEMIS is correct and ready for the transfer to the National Examination System. |
7. |
Principals must verify, sign off and submit their corrected learner information on the following dates: |
7.1 |
Grade 12 — Friday, 12 May 2017 |
7.2 |
Grade 11 — Friday, 19 May 2017 |
7.3 |
Grade 10 — Friday, 04 August 2017 |
8. |
Verification of learner information |
8.1 |
The identity number of a learner is a compulsory field as the National Examination System rejects learners without identity numbers. Learners without identity numbers will not receive a National Senior Certificate. Thus, it is important that all learners apply for their identity documents in Grade 10. In the interim the identity number reflected on the birth certificate must be used. |
8.2 |
Learners that are non-citizens (including immigrants), must have a passport and study permit. Asylum documents will be accepted. Non-citizens that have been part of the South African Schooling System, but do not have the required documentation to register for the NSC examination in 2017 will be allowed to register for the examination, but will not be issued with their NSC certificate until the valid documentation is presented. |
8.3 |
Check the spelling of full names and surnames. This should be as it appears on the learner’s identity document/birth certificate. |
8.3.1 |
If learners change their names and surnames during their Grade 12 year, after the transfer from CEMIS to the National Examination System, certified copies of their old and new identity documents must be sent to the respective examination officials listed in Table 1. |
8.3.2 |
If learners change their names and surnames within 90 days after the Grade 12 National Senior Certificate examination, the learner must submit certified copies of his/her old and new identity documents and an affidavit stating the reason why changes have been made. |
8.4 |
The cellphone number of a learner’s parent/guardian is a compulsory field. The Western Cape Education Department (WCED) makes use of SMS services to communicate important examination-related information to learners. |
8.5 |
Immigrant learners and special needs learners opting to enter for the endorsed NSC must be indicated as such on CEMIS. |
9. |
Process to follow on CEMIS |
9.1 |
Follow the clear instructions on CEMIS on how to extract the file for the particular grade and class. |
9.3 |
All learners must verify their details (name, surname, Identity Number, list of subjects) and sign that it is correct. |
9.4 |
Errors indicated by the learners on the schedule must be corrected by the CEMIS administrator of the school. This must be verified by the school principal or his/her delegate. |
9.5 |
The corrected schedules must be sent to parents for their signature and returned to the school. |
9.6 |
The schedules must then be signed by the principal/grade head. The principal must sign off on CEMIS that the process has been completed. |
9.7 |
A copy must be made of the signed schedules. The copy must be retained at the school for the school’s own records and the original schedule must be sent to the respective officials as indicated in Table 1.
10. |
Subject errors for Grade 12 learners must be referred to Mr Adam Jantjies at Head Office (email: Adam.Jantjies@westerncape.gov.za or tel. no.: 021 467 2895). Schools must submit Grades 10 and 11 requests for subject corrections as stipulated in Circular 0028/2016.
11. |
The completion of the SBA Annexure B form to effect subject changes or corrections will be regarded as an irregularity. |
12. |
In the case where a learner takes Music as a subject, the attached Annexure A (List of Music candidates) must be completed and sent to the respective officials as indicated in Table 1. |
13. |
This minute must also be handed to all Grades 10 to 12 coordinators and CEMIS administrators.
DATE: 2017:04:26