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REFERENCE:  20170309-8982
ENQUIRIES:   As per table 13.1    TEL:   021 467 2911/20  FAX:   021 461 5637






1. In terms of the Regulations Pertaining to the Conduct, Administration and Management of the National Senior Certificate examination, published in Government Gazette No. 37651 of 16 May 2014, the provincial departments of education must appoint the principal of a school as chief invigilator for the NSC examinations.

2. Principals and centre managers of adult learning centres may delegate this responsibility, in writing, to a School Management Team (SMT) member. However, the principal/centre manager, will ultimately accept full responsibility and accountability for the conduct of all examinations at their school/centre.

3. In the November 2017 NSC examination the senior invigilator, who must be a member of the community, is expected to support the chief invigilator in the administration and conduct of the examinations. Under no circumstances must the senior invigilator take full responsibility for all the administrative tasks associated with the November 2017 NSC examination.

4. The senior invigilator will serve as the chief invigilator for the March 2018 NSC supplementary and SC (a) June/July 2018 examinations.

5. Principals and centre managers of adult learning centres are requested to recruit suitable persons from the community as senior invigilators and invigilators for the abovementioned examinations.

6. The principal/centre manager or his or her delegate must ensure that all the documents attached to this minute, are completed:

Addendum A – Nomination: Chief Invigilator
Addendum B – Nomination: Senior Invigilator
Addendum C – Appointment of Invigilators
Addendum D – BAS Entity Maintenance
Addendum E – Contract of Temporary Employment for Community Members

7. Criteria for the appointment of invigilators
7.1 Under normal circumstances, a person should not be considered for appointment as chief invigilator, senior invigilator or invigilator if he or she is:
7.1.1 under 25 or older than 65 years of age;
7.1.2 a relative of a candidate writing the examinations; or
7.1.3 the spouse or next-of-kin of the chief invigilator.
7.2 In addition to the chief invigilator, one invigilator must be appointed for every 30 candidates. All rooms must be used to full capacity before use is made of an additional room.
7.3 At sessions where there are only a few candidates (a minimum of two), the services of one invigilator will be adequate. In such an instance, the senior or chief invigilator will not perform invigilation duties, other than to relieve an invigilator who has to accompany a candidate to the bathroom.
7.4 If all the candidates are male, it is recommended that the chief invigilator, senior invigilator and invigilators must also be male. If all the candidates are female, it is recommended that the chief invigilator, senior invigilator and invigilators must also be female. If there are male and female candidates and the chief invigilator is male, at least one of the invigilators must be female, or, if the chief invigilator is female, at least one of the invigilators must be male.
7.5 When the services of additional invigilators are required for the management of two or more examination venues at the same time, the chief invigilator will not perform normal invigilation duties, but will be required to perform the duties of a chief invigilator at all the venues.

8. Appointment of invigilators
8.1 The NSC November 2017 and AET Level 4 November 2017 examinations
8.1.1 For the NSC examination sessions, the principal must ensure that 50% of the invigilators are teachers and 50% are members of the community.
8.1.2 Educators serving as invigilators need not be scheduled to invigilate for the full duration of each examination session.
8.1.3 An educator who has a child writing the NSC examinations at the school where that educator is employed must not be appointed as an invigilator.
8.1.4 It is imperative that an educator does not invigilate the subject that he or she teaches at the school.
8.1.5 The principal must appoint all educators who will be serving as invigilators for the NSC examinations in writing. The list of all educators and members of the community appointed as invigilators must be submitted to the district office by Friday, 02 June 2017.
8.1.6 The Education district office must collate the nomination forms received from all examination centres and must submit the nomination forms to Head Office in one collated batch by Friday, 09 June 2017.
8.2 NSC 2018 Supplementary examination 8.2.1
8.2.2 The principal must, in writing, appoint members of the community who will serve as senior invigilators and invigilators for the NSC 2018 supplementary examination. The list of all members of the community appointed as invigilators for this examination must be submitted to the district office by Friday, 09 February 2018.
8.3. SC June to July 2018 and AET Level 4 June 2018 examinations
8.3.1 The principal/centre manager or his or her delegate will be appointed as the chief examination officer and will be accountable for the management and administration of the June 2018 SC examination. The chief examination officer will be assisted in the conduct of the SC examination, by the senior invigilator, who will be appointed as the chief invigilator.
8.3.2 The principal/centre manager must, in writing, appoint members of the community who will be serving as the chief invigilator and invigilators for the SC June to July 2018 and AET Level 4 examinations. The list of all members of the community appointed as invigilators for these examinations must be submitted to the district office by Monday, 19 March 2018.

9. Duties of chief invigilators, senior invigilators and invigilators
9.1 The duties of chief invigilators, senior invigilators and invigilators appear in the Examination Procedure Manual, attached as Annexure A.
9.2 Invigilators must not assist candidates in any irregular activities during the conduct of an examination. The Western Cape Education Department (WCED) will not hesitate to lay criminal charges against any invigilator who is found guilty of any involvement in an irregularity.
9.3 Chief invigilators, senior invigilators and invigilators must have their identity documents, most recent academic records (at least Grade 12) and contracts with them for the duration of the examinations.
9.4 Principals must draw up an invigilation timetable and submit it to the relevant circuit manager once the invigilator appointments have been approved.
9.5 The invigilation timetable must include invigilators and relief invigilators for each examination session.

10. Training of invigilators for the NSC, SC and AET Level 4 examinations
10.1 Training for principals, chief invigilators and senior invigilators and community members will be conducted in August and September 2017 and is compulsory.
10.2 Senior invigilators who live within a radius of 75km from the school or centre where the training takes place will be paid for one additional session to compensate for travel expenses.
10.3 Senior invigilators who live more than 75km from the training venue will be paid for two additional sessions to compensate for travel expenses.
10.4 The principal of the school must ensure that all educators and members of the community appointed as invigilators are fully trained in the execution of their invigilation duties.
10.5 Training may be cascaded from principals and chief invigilators to all invigilators who have not attended a Head Office training session.
10.6 Training registers must be completed at school level as evidence and must indicate the time and venue of the training and the names of the invigilators who attended the session.

11. Nomination and approval of chief invigilators, senior invigilators and invigilators for all examinations
11.1 Addendum A and Addendum B must be completed by the principal or centre manager. The circuit manager will verify and support the nominees and forward the documents to Head Office for final approval.
11.2 The nominations of senior invigilators must be accompanied by certified copies of each nominee’s identity document, a one-page CV and his or her academic qualification(s), which must include at least a Grade 12 certificate.
11.3 The principal must conduct a personal interview with the person nominated as the delegated chief or senior invigilator.
11.4 The circuit manager must be sure of each nominee's reading, writing, hearing and visual abilities and state of health.
11.5 Applicants or nominees who have applied for full-time employment elsewhere should preferably not be considered for appointment.
11.6 The principal or centre manager must declare that the nominee(s) is/are suited to the duties of an invigilator. Thereafter, the circuit manager must indicate whether the nominee(s) can be recommended for appointment. Addendum C must then be completed and signed by the invigilator(s).
11.7 Only a person whose appointment has been approved by Head Office may perform duties as an invigilator. Invigilators may under no circumstances appoint substitutes for any part of their work.

Should circumstances prevent a chief invigilator, a senior invigilator or an invigilator from invigilating an examination, the principal or centre manager, in consultation with the circuit manager, must arrange for the appointment of a substitute and the Directorate: Examinations Administration must immediately be informed of the change. Substitutes must also submit their banking details and tax reference numbers on the attached Addendum D form.

12. Service contract

All chief invigilators, senior invigilators and invigilators must be prepared to enter into a service contract with the WCED regarding their duties and responsibilities with regard to the examinations. The contract will be valid for the November 2017, March 2018 and June to July 2018 examinations.

13. Submission of nomination forms
13.1 After verifying the Addenda A, B, C, D and E, the circuit manager must submit them in one batch to the relevant official indicated below:

District Responsible official Tel. no. Email
Metro Central Farrel Jacobs (Head Office) 021 467 2990
Metro East Gideon Diljee (District office) 021 900 7032
Metro North Johnnie Isaacs (District office) 021 938 3033
Metro South Linsay van Gensen (District office) 021 370 2076
Cape Winelands Lindsay Weber (Head Office) 021 467 2732
Overberg Patricia Liguma (Head Office) 021 467 2935
Eden and Central Karoo Samuel Adams (Head Office) 021 467 2914
West Coast Clive Roodt (Head Office) 021 467 2461
13.2 Summary of submission dates for invigilator nomination forms:
13.2.1 NSC November 2017 and AET Level 4 examinations 02 June 2017
13.2.2 NSC supplementary March 2018 examination 09 February 2018
13.2.3 SC June to July 2018 and AET Level 4 examinations, June 2018 19 March 2018

14. Remuneration of invigilators
14.1 The WCED will appoint and remunerate invigilators from the community in accordance with the Personnel Administration Measures (PAM).
14.2 Independent schools, colleges and prisons are responsible for the remuneration of their own invigilators. However, principals of independent schools, heads of colleges and prisons must note that it is compulsory to complete Addenda A, B, C and E and return them to the WCED, even though the invigilators of these institutions are not paid by the WCED.
14.3 Administrative staff and educators who receive a salary from the WCED and who also serve as invigilators will not be remunerated by the WCED for invigilation duties performed.
14.4 The current rate (subject to change) for invigilation is R210, 20 per session for a senior invigilator and R140, 15 per session for an invigilator.
14.5 Under no circumstances will invigilators be reimbursed for travel expenses. Principals and centre managers must therefore appoint invigilators from the immediate community served by the school or centre.
14.6 The regulations (IRP10) pertaining to the payment of employees’ tax determine that all salaries of persons in part-time employment are subject to a tax deduction of 25%. The WCED will, therefore, make a 25% tax deduction from the amounts paid to invigilators for services performed. Therefore, the submission of a tax directive for employees (IRP3) no longer applies.

Invigilators who qualify to be exempt or partially exempt from the payment of employees’ tax must, after receipt of an IRP5 certificate, submit the certificate to their local Receiver of Revenue together with the prescribed IT12 S form. IRP5 certificates are normally posted to invigilators’ homes or postal addresses in June or July of the year following their period of invigilation.

14.7 In order to expedite the payment of invigilators’ claims, each senior invigilator or invigilator must write his or her identity number on the acceptance form and attach a certified copy of his or her identity document. Addendum D, which also reflects the tax reference number, must be completed by all senior invigilators and invigilators from the community. This form must be completed and certified as correct and the bank account must be declared as active by the bank concerned.

15. Please ensure that a copy of this Examinations Administration minute is handed to the principal or centre manager or his or her delegate, the senior invigilator and each additional invigilator.

DATE: 2017:04:13

Grand Central Towers, Lower Parliament Street, Private Bag X9114, Cape Town 8000
Please quote reference numbers in all correspondence
Employment and salary queries: 0861 92 33 22
Safe Schools: 0800 45 46 47

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Addendum A: Nomination and appointment: Chief invigilator  (size: 56 KB)
Addendum B: Nomination and appointment: Senior invigilator  (size: 55 KB)
Addendum C: Appointment of invigilators  (size: 59 KB)
Addendum D: BAS Entity Maintenance  (size: 51 KB)
Addendum E: Contract of Temporary Employment for Community Members  (size: 54 KB)
Examinations: Procedure manual  (size: 855 KB)
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