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The Department of Basic Education (DBE) introduced an Early Grade Reading Assessment (EGRA) in 2015 to strengthen reading and comprehension in the Foundation Phase. This assessment is conducted by the class teacher and has a diagnostic purpose. It should not be used for the progression and promotion of learners. |
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In 2015 the EGRA programme was rolled out by the Western Cape Education Department (WCED) in 96 schools (Phase 1). The programme was extended in 2016 to 103 more schools (Phase 2). |
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Phase 3 will be implemented in 2018. |
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This minute serves to notify schools that achieved less than 60% in the 2016 Grade 3 systemic assessment for Language, that they will be included in Phase 3 of the programme. |
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EGRA training for Phase 3 schools will take place during October 2017. |
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The duration of the training is approximately three hours. The departmental head and at least one teacher are required to attend the training. However, districts may choose to include more teachers. |
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District offices will communicate the dates and venues of the training in advance. |
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For any further information kindly contact the relevant district GET coordinator:
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Principals are requested to bring this minute to the attention of all Grade 1–3 teachers.
DATE: 2017:07:24