1. |
The National Heritage Council (NHC) of South Africa has decided, as part of its responsibility, to contribute towards educating the nation about our heritage. One of the projects that seek to involve young learners in schools is the Heritage Education Schools Outreach Programme (HESOP). |
2. |
The programme is part of the Department of Basic Education's (DBE) ongoing initiative to encourage all learners to develop an understanding of South Africa's cultural heritage and diversity, and is an opportunity for learners to develop important research skills. |
3. |
This competition will form part of the DBE's contribution to strengthen the teaching and learning of History and Tourism in schools. |
4. |
Learners will be expected to complete THREE activities:
- Activity 1 (OR Tambo centenary celebrations)
At the official launch of the Oliver and Adelaide Tambo Foundation, President Jacob Zuma mentioned that, "The values of unity, selflessness, sacrifice, collective leadership, humility, honesty, discipline, hard work, internal debates, constructive criticism and self-criticism, and mutual respect, are some of the values that encapsulate what Oliver Tambo stood for."
Learners are expected to highlight their observations on whether South Africans, especially civil servants and politicians, are emulating the values that Oliver Tambo stood for. Explain what needs to be done to address the issues of socio economic upliftment and advancement, education, the empowerment of women and the promotion of arts, culture and heritage initiatives.
- Activity 2
According to the National Heritage Resources Act, 1999 (Act 25 of 1999), and the National Heritage Council Act, 1999 (Act 11 of 1999), living heritage means the intangible aspects of inherited culture and may include, amongst others: cultural tradition, performance, oral history, rituals, popular memory, indigenous knowledge, skills and techniques, and lastly, the holistic approach to nature/environment, society and social relationships.
Learners are expected to identify these forms of intangible cultural heritage/living heritage that are under threat/vulnerable. Suggest ways in which it could be preserved and promoted for the benefit of current and future generations. They are expected to give a description of the forms of heritage that are under threat, its importance and possible interventions. Learners may also highlight the importance of living heritage in forging social cohesion, nation building and national identity.
- Activity 3
The year 2017 marks 100 years after the sinking of the British troopship, the SS Mendi, in which over 600 South Africans lost their lives. It also marks 40 years since the brutal death of the leader of the Black Consciousness Movement, Stephen (Steve) Bantu Biko, under the apartheid regime. As part of commemoration and remembrance of these events, graves, burial sites, war memorials and monuments, etc. are built that now form part of the contemporary landscape that serves as tangible and symbolic reminders of our turbulent history.
Learners are expected to identify these forms of tangible cultural heritage in their communities and discuss the significance and relevance of these sites in the new South Africa. Learners must suggest ways in which they could be preserved and promoted for the benefit of current and future generations.
5. |
The following selection criteria should be adhered to when participants are identified: |
5.1 |
All high school learners (preferably those taking social sciences subjects) who are in Grades 8 to 11 are allowed to participate. |
5.2 |
Teams must consist of four learners (schools are advised to be gender-sensitive). |
5.3 |
All the written work and presentations must be completed in English. |
5.3.1 |
All photo’s, interview schedules, interview transcripts and recordings, ethics appraisals, etc. must be in the portfolio of evidence and include the following:
- an index;
- a table of contents; and
- a bibliography.
5.3.2 |
The research paper must have:
- an abstract;
- central argument(s) or a main body;
- recommendations;
- a conclusion; and
- a bibliography or list of references.
The research paper, including illustrations and bibliography must be 10 to 12 pages in length. The paper must be typed in Arial font, size 12 with 1.5 line spacing.
5.3.3 |
The oral presentation will be a maximum of 20 minutes, with five minutes allocated for questions from a panel of adjudicators. Learners will also be given an assignment while on camp. Details on how this fourth task should be carried out and presented will be made known to them at the camp in October. |
6. |
The assessment criteria that will be used to adjudicate presentations at both provincial and national level are contained in Annexure A. |
7. |
7.1 |
Schools wishing to participate in this competition must complete the attached application form (Annexure B) and return it to district officials (subject advisers for History or Tourism) by Monday, 31 July 2017. |
7.2 |
Teachers need to identify and prepare learners for the elimination rounds within the districts and for the provincial event. Please ensure that all learners who have entered are present and ready for the provincial event and that the necessary transport to and from the event is arranged. |
7.3 |
Learners need to complete their research, databases and presentations; be prepared to answer any questions regarding their projects and research; and be able to reflect and share their personal experiences on the research project. |
7.4 |
The provincial competition will be held on Saturday, 02 September 2017. One school team will be selected to represent the Western Cape at the national final. The venue will be confirmed to all participating schools via the subject advisers for History and Tourism. The Western Cape Education Department Head Office will be responsible for covering all travel costs to and from the provincial competition. |
7.5 |
The NHC will be responsible for travel and accommodation costs for participating learners and teachers during the national competition from Monday, 02 to Friday,
06 October 2017. |
8. |
Principals are kindly requested to bring the contents of this minute to the attention of the school management team and teachers concerned. |
DATE: 2017:05:10