1. This minute must be read in conjunction with Circular 0017/2016: Management of assessment accommodations for learners who experience barriers to learning and assessment: Grades R–12 and for learners who request immigrant status for assessment purposes: Grades 4–12.

2. Learners with barriers to learning
2.1 A learner who is identified by a teacher as experiencing a barrier to learning must be supported and all evidence of support must be retained by the teacher. The Support Needs Assessment Form 1 (SNA1), based on the Policy on Screening, Identification, Assessment and Support (SIAS), 2014, should be used for this purpose (refer to Inclusive and Specialised Education Support Minute: 0001/2016).
2.2 If SIAS documents are not yet in place, the following can be provided as examples of evidence of support: curriculum interventions implemented by the teacher, curriculum differentiated content for teaching and assessment, or the modified presentation of lesson content (teaching methods) (e.g. using pictures/pictures with descriptions/explanations, etc.).
2.3 If the support at school level does not deliver the desired results, the school-based support team (SBST) may refer the learner, via the principal, to the district-based support team (DBST). An application for support should be submitted to the DBST with all the supporting documentation, including SIAS forms, medical reports, psychological assessments, supporting historical evidence, class or subject teacher comments, school report, school samples, etc.
2.4 A schedule/log of consultation(s) with the parent/legal guardian/caregiver/learner should be available and, in the event of an assessment accommodation being requested, a declaration of consent from the parent/legal guardian/caregiver should be submitted along with the other evidence listed in (point 2.2 and 2.3).
2.5 The school must, after consultation with the district psychologist/learning support adviser, capture the assessment accommodation application on CEMIS (this includes requests for adapted papers or assistive devices). Once the application has been successfully captured, a form will be generated, similar to Annexure B of Circular 0017/2016.
2.6 The generated form must be printed and all supporting documentation attached, after which the application must be sent to the District Assessment Accommodations Committee (DAAC).
2.7 A psychologist will verify the barrier to learning and provide a recommendation.
2.8 All applications will be reviewed by the DAAC.
2.9 In the case of a temporary medical condition (e.g. a broken arm), the assessment accommodation may only apply for a limited time. In the case of a more permanent barrier to learning, the assessment accommodation must be reviewed in each phase as assessment requirements and subjects offered differ for each phase.
2.10 Schools should submit new applications at the beginning of each new phase.

3. Exemptions from compulsory school attendance
3.1 Where a learner is assessed as requiring additional time in the pre-primary phase (Grade R), the school should capture the application for exemption from compulsory attendance on CEMIS. Once the application has been successfully captured, a form will be generated.
3.2 The generated form must be printed, supporting documentation attached and sent to the DAAC.
3.3 The Manager: Early Childhood Development (ECD) will review the documentation and provide a recommendation to the DAAC.

4. Immigrant accommodations for the purposes of assessment
4.1 The school must capture the assessment accommodation application on CEMIS. Once the application has been successfully captured, a form will be generated, similar to Annexure D of Circular 0017/2016.
4.2 The generated form must be printed and all supporting documentation attached, after which the application must be submitted to the district assessment coordinator.
4.3 The district assessment coordinator will verify the documentation and provide a recommendation.
4.4 All applications will be reviewed by the DAAC.

5. District/Provincial Assessment Accommodations Committees
5.1 The DAAC will meet at least once a month to review recommendations for Grades R to 9 and will submit recommendations for Grades 10 to 12 to the Provincial Assessment Accommodations Committee (PAAC).
5.2 Grades 10 to 12 applications will be considered and approved by the PAAC.

6. Application outcome documentation
6.1 Once applications have been dealt with, letters detailing the outcome will be posted on CEMIS, indicating if the applications have been approved.
6.2 Letters for learners from Grades 10 to 12 may be printed from CEMIS by August. The letter will contain the learner’s name and must be kept on their desk during internal examinations.
6.3 In the case of Grade 12 learners, final letters containing the examination number of the candidate and the specific assessment accommodation/concession approved will be placed on CEMIS prior to the commencement of the National Senior Certificate (NSC) examinations in October. The letter indicating the name of the learner must be placed on their desk during the NSC examinations.
6.4 In some instances in Grade 12 a letter that must be attached to the learner’s script informing the marker of a specific marking accommodation (e.g. spelling), will also be supplied. This letter will NOT contain the learner’s name. Please note that not all assessment accommodations require that a letter be attached to the script. Script letters will be clearly marked as such on CEMIS.

7. Timeframes
7.1 Grades R to 9 learners

The application process will be on-going at school and district level.

7.2 Grades 10 and 11 learners
7.2.1 Schools must capture applications for Grades 10 and 11 on CEMIS by the end of Term 3 every year.
7.2.2 The outcome of all Grades 10 and 11 applications will be communicated to schools by the end of October.
7.3 Grade 12 learners
7.3.1 Schools must capture applications for Grade 12 assessment accommodations/concessions for the NSC assessments and examinations on CEMIS by 31 March every year. This includes all applications for assessment accommodations and requests for adapted papers and assistive devices (e.g. braille, large font, audio tapes) for learners with special needs. In 2017, schools must capture their applications on CEMIS by 21 April 2017.
7.3.2 The DAAC will evaluate Grade 12 applications by the end of May and the PAAC will verify and approve applications in July.
7.3.3 Repeater candidates for the NSC examinations who have previously been approved for assessment accommodations/concessions may apply, with motivations, directly to Ms Gail Laguma at the Directorate Assessment Management, email: Gail.Laguma@westerncape.gov.za or tel. no.: 021 467 2913.

8. Appeals
8.1 Grades 1 to 9 learners

In the event that an application for an assessment accommodation/concession is unsuccessful, parents will have 10 days from the notice of the outcome of the application to appeal. Parents may appeal, in writing, directly to the district director. The district director will appoint an independent panel to review the appeal, deliberate on the merits of the application and provide a recommendation for his/her approval within five days of the independent panel being constituted. District curriculum and special needs representatives should form part of the independent panel.

8.2 Grades 10 to 12 learners
8.2.1 In the event that an application for an assessment accommodation/concession is unsuccessful, parents will have 10 days from the notice of the outcome of the application to appeal. Parents may appeal, in writing, directly to the PAAC via Ms Lisl van Rensburg, email: Lisl.vanRensburg@westerncape.gov.za or tel. no.: 021 467 2541.
8.2.2 The PAAC will manage and deliberate on Grade 12 appeals during August and decisions will be communicated to schools before the end of August.

9. Urgent applications: Grade 12
9.1 In the case of urgent applications in Grade 12 (from Term 3 onwards), the application along with the necessary documentation must be submitted to Ms Gail Laguma at the Directorate Assessment Management, email: Gail.Laguma@westerncape.gov.za or tel. no.: 021 467 2913.
9.2 The application will be captured by the Directorate Assessment Management who will engage with the specialised learner and educator support managers at the district office to provide a recommendation.
9.3 Verification of the barrier to learning will be done by the Directorate Assessment Management.
9.4 Assessment accommodations/concessions letters will be provided on CEMIS.
9.5 Any enquiries should be directed to Ms Gail Laguma at the Directorate Assessment Management, email: Gail.Laguma@westerncape.gov.za or tel. no.: 021 467 2913.

10. Principals are requested to bring the contents of this minute to the attention of all teachers and parents to ensure that all role players are informed of the support that is available to learners through assessment accommodations/concessions.

DATE: 2017:03:16