1. |
Copies of the first drafts of the timetables for the following examinations are attached: June 2017 Senior Certificate (SC) Examination and November 2017 National Senior Certificate (NSC) Examination. |
2. |
The dates on which the examinations will be written have been determined by the Department of Basic Education (DBE) in consultation with the Provincial Education Departments (PEDs). The timetables may change slightly should a clash be reported by any of the PEDs. |
3. |
Principals and centre managers are requested to report all timetable clashes or subjects that may have been omitted in the timetables to the WCED. Such reports must be submitted in writing by fax or e-mail before Friday, 24 February 2017 to the following official:
Mr TJ Magwaca (Room 5-27) Western Cape Education Department Private Bag X9114 CAPE TOWN 8000 Fax: 086 668 9761 / 021 461 9370 E-mail address: Tebo.Magwaca@westerncape.gov.za |
4. |
If a principal or centre manager requests the shift of a subject or question paper from the date specified, he or she must propose the date when the subject or paper may be written and furnish the WCED with the motivation for the requested shift. However, the shifting of a subject or paper will be considered only if it will not have a negative impact on the majority of candidates affected by the shift. |
5. |
It must be borne in mind that these are provisional timetables that are subject to change. The final examination timetables will be sent to all institutions as soon as they have been approved by the Council of Education Ministers. |
6. |
Please bring the contents of this minute to the attention of all candidates who will be writing any of the above-mentioned examinations. |
DATE: 2017:01:17