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REFERENCE:  20170331-9632
ENQUIRIES:   M Phillips    TEL:   021 900 5133  FAX:   021 900 5162






1. A travel subsidy will be paid to attend formal, 10-day Cape Teaching and Leadership Institute (CTLI) interventions subject to the following conditions:

  • Formal registration for the course must be confirmed in advance.
  • Full training course attendance must be confirmed (on the daily attendance register).
  • The total distance travelled per day must exceed 20 km per return trip (200 km for the duration of the course).
  • The total distance claimed for the period may not exceed 140 km per return trip per day. Participants who exceed this distance will not be reimbursed for more than 140 km travelled per day and are advised to register for CTLI accommodation instead.
  • Participants from rural districts who reside more than 70 km (more than 140 km per return trip) from the CTLI and who make use of CTLI accommodation or private accommodation will be allowed to claim one return trip between their permanent residence and the CTLI.
2. A travel subsidy may be paid to attend formal, short CTLI interventions subject to the following conditions:

  • Formal registration for the course must be confirmed in advance.
  • Full training course attendance must be confirmed (on the daily attendance register).
  • The total distance travelled per day must exceed 20 km per return trip, provided that the total distance travelled for the duration of the course exceeds 50 km. Therefore, if it is a one-day intervention, the minimum distance travelled must exceed 50 km return before a claim will be processed.
  • The total distance claimed may not exceed 140 km per return trip per day. Participants who exceed this distance are advised to register for CTLI accommodation instead.
  • Participants from rural districts who reside more than 70 km (more than 140 km per return trip) from the CTLI and who make use of CTLI accommodation or private accommodation will be allowed to claim one return trip between their permanent residence and the CTLI.
3. Travel claims will be assessed according to the following criteria:

3.1.1 Use of own car As far as possible, teachers must share transport.
Only the driver or owner of the vehicle may claim for the kilometres travelled. Passengers must be listed.
A rate to a maximum of R3,00 per kilometre will be paid.
Engine capacity will apply and details thereof must be indicated on the claim form.
3.1.2 Use of a lift club (paid or free) in a private car Only the driver or owner of the vehicle may claim for the kilometres travelled. Passengers must be listed.
A rate to a maximum of R3,00 per kilometre will be paid.
Engine capacity will apply and details thereof must be indicated on the claim form.
3.1.3 Use of a school bus The school must submit a letter indicating that the school bus was used for this course, the names of the passengers and the distance travelled.
A rate will be paid, based on engine capacity and details thereof must be indicated on the claim form.
3.1.4 Use of a service provider

NB: prior approval must be obtained in writing from the CTLI Programme Coordinator

Step 1) The school must obtain a written quotation prior to the training.
Step 2) The school must submit the quotation to the CTLI Programme Coordinator for approval.
Step 3) The CTLI Programme Coordinator must provide written confirmation that the service can be contracted.
Step 4) The school must arrange for the hire of the service.
Step 5) After the service the SCHOOL must pay the service provider and obtain a receipt.
Step 6) For reimbursement, the school must submit a letter to the CTLI Claims Manager indicating that the service provider was used and listing the names of the passengers and details of the distance travelled. The quotations, the approval of the CTLI Programme Coordinator and the final paid invoice must be attached.

All paperwork must be kept as evidence for the internal auditor. The WCED will ONLY reimburse the school upon receipt of signed documentation, including the prior written approval from the CTLI Programme Coordinator.
Teachers must arrange a group pick-up at a central point.

3.1.5 Use of public transport, e.g. a public taxi, bus or train Claims must indicate the start and end point of each stage of the journey.
Reimbursements will be made according to standard rates. Evidence (tickets) will be requested by the claims official so that the claim can be validated.
No metered taxi fares may be claimed.
A sworn statement (Affidavit) must be completed by the claimant and signed by a CTLI official on the last day of the intervention.

4. Claimants will be subsidised, according to the policy, only after completion of the training course and will therefore have to pay their own expenses up front. Proof of payments must be kept.

5. All claims must be submitted at the training venue where the relevant CTLI coordinator will be on hand to assist claimants.

6. No late or incomplete claims will be accepted unless there are exceptional extenuating circumstances, and reimbursement cannot be guaranteed in such cases.

7. The entry and exit registers of the CTLI security will be used to verify vehicle and passenger details. Please ensure that vehicles are duly signed in each day and that vehicles are parked in the designated CTLI parking area only. If a claim is not verifiable, it will not be processed.

8. Subsidies will only be paid after careful scrutiny of claims and the WCED reserves the right to make the final decision where there is any discrepancy, non-compliance or evidence of dishonesty.

9. Principals are kindly requested to bring the contents of this minute to the attention of all teachers who are registered to attend courses at the CTLI.

DATE: 2017:03:30

Grand Central Towers, Lower Parliament Street, Private Bag X9114, Cape Town 8000
Please quote reference numbers in all correspondence
Employment and salary queries: 0861 92 33 22
Safe Schools: 0800 45 46 47

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