1. This minute must be read in conjunction with Assessment Management Minute 0010/2016, dated 02 September 2016, which provides further clarity on the implementation of progression in Grades 10 to 12 and the Multiple Examination Opportunity (MEO) option in the writing of the National Senior Certificate (NSC) examination.

2. In terms of the MEO option progressed learners, after the September preparatory examination and based on their performance in the preparatory examinations, may choose to write all six subjects or less than the six subject package in the November 2016 examination and write the remaining subjects in the June 2017 examination.

3. A learner selecting the MEO option must write a minimum of four subjects in his first year (including Life Orientation) and must have written all seven subjects by the second year.

4. In order to ensure uniformity in the application of the MEO option, a learner selecting this option must comply with the following criteria:

The learner must -

  1. be a progressed learner;
  2. have completed all his/her School-Based Assessment (SBA) requirements in all seven subjects;
  3. have attended school on a regular basis;
  4. have written the preparatory examination in all subjects; and
  5. have failed a minimum of three subjects.
5. Principals must ensure that the affected learners’ parents are consulted on the MEO option.

6. Once the progressed learners choosing the MEO option are identified by the school, the principal must complete the following steps on CEMIS in order to register learners who will be writing the NSC over more than one year:

  1. Log on to CEMIS.
  2. Go to "EXAMS/ASSESSMENTS" – "MEO/Progressed" menu option.
  3. To view a list of all your progressed learners: Select the "progressed learners" button. The details of all learners who were progressed from Grade 11 to Grade 12 will be displayed. Print the list and check for correctness.
  4. If a progressed learner is not listed on your "progressed learners" list, the learner’s promotion/progression status must be updated before you can identify the learner for the MEO option.
  5. To update learner status: Select the "non-progressed learners" button. A list of all your Grade 12 promoted learners will be displayed. Tick to select the learner whose status must be updated and select the new status [progressed due to years in phase] from the drop down menu. Select the "update" button to refresh your progressed learners list. Submit all documentary evidence to the District Director in support of this status update.
  6. To register progressed learners who opt for the MEO option: Select the "MEO candidates" button. The details of all progressed learners will be displayed. Tick to select the learner opting for MEO and change the MEO status to "YES". Select the "update" button to save the changes made.
  7. Once all progressed MEO candidates are indicated and the list has been updated, print a copy of the list for verification and sign the hardcopy.
7. A copy of the signed MEO candidates list, printed from CEMIS, must be forwarded to the District Director by 15:00 on Friday, 14 October 2016.

8. Learners not correctly indicated as MEO will not be afforded an opportunity to write the June 2017 examination.

9. You are kindly requested to bring the contents of the minute to the attention of all Grade 12 educators, learners and parents at your school.

DATE: 2016:09:26