1. The Western Cape Education Department (WCED) developed a Diagnostic Assessment Tool for Grade 8 that was implemented in schools in 2016 in Language, Mathematics and Natural Sciences.

2. The use of this instrument made it possible for schools to stream learners according to their abilities and provide them with the necessary support to maximise their learning.

3. It is envisaged that the outcome of this intervention will not only close the gap in the number of learners passing especially Mathematics and Natural Sciences in Grade 9 but that there will also be an increase in the number of learners taking these subjects in the Further Education and Training (FET) Band.

4. To this end all high schools were trained in the use of the Diagnostic Assessment Tool by subject advisers during 2015 and received a CD with the Diagnostic Assessment Tool, recording sheets as well as an instructional video.

5. This minute serves to notify schools to prepare for the diagnostic assessment of Grade 8 learners in 2017. The suggested dates are 18, 19 and 20 January 2017.

6. A suggested roll-out is as follows:

  1. Schools print question papers in 2016.
  2. Schools report readiness to implement the Diagnostic Assessment Tool.
  3. All Grade 8 learners write the three one-hour tests in January 2017.
  4. Teachers complete marking tests by 30 January 2017.
  5. Schools capture results electronically on excel spreadsheets by the second week of February 2017.
  6. Schools email summary spreadsheets with learner results indicating performance per subject per cognitive level per content area and intervention plans to district offices by the end of February 2017 for a district analysis of the results.
  7. District offices summarise data and intervention plans and forward to Head Office by 17 March 2017.
  8. Using the same instrument, schools conduct a post-test by September 2017 and submit data to district offices (optional).
7. Support to schools

The WCED recommends the following support programme for schools:

7.1 Diagnostic assessment of Language and Mathematics only
Schools may choose to assess Language and Mathematics only. The Natural Sciences assessment is optional as some learners may find it difficult to remember subject content from previous years.
7.2 Use of data capturers
Due to the arduous process of data capturing by schools the WCED will allow all participating schools the opportunity to secure a data capturer per school to capture the results from the diagnostic assessment. The recruitment of the data capturer is explained in Annexure A.
7.3 Additional ideas to support learners in Language, Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Schools may use other forms of intervention to support struggling Grade 8 learners in Language and Mathematics, such as partnering with local businesses to support the school in the following ways:

  1. Offering supplementary tuition using tutors, students and/or retired teachers for Saturday, afternoon and holiday classes (i.e. winter and spring schools).
  2. Offering private extra classes paid for by parents.
  3. Combining efforts and sharing resources with neighbouring schools.
  4. Streaming/grouping learners in ability groups per subject.
  5. Using the "pull-out" method i.e. withdrawing learners for the specific subject period from a mixed ability class to another class where a teacher will teach them according to their own needs and abilities, after which they return to their register class again.
8. A strategy for the improvement of Language, Mathematics and Science (LMS) at each school must be discussed with all potential role players of the schooling community.

9. Principals are requested to ensure that the information in this minute is conveyed to all teachers and administrating officers who will capture data.

DATE: 2016:12:07

Annexure A  (size: 60 KB)