1. The Western Cape Education Department has printed 6 000 A3 size copies of a standardised time zone map that is frequently used in the NSC Tourism examination as a resource.
2. The standardised time zone maps are being distributed to schools offering Tourism via the subject advisers responsible for Tourism.
3. Each school will receive 30 of these A3 size maps and must be requested to display the maps prominently in all Tourism classes so that the educator can familiarise learners with the standardised time zone maps.
4. When teaching and assessing time zones, it is recommended that educators use the standardised time zone map and refrain from using maps found in other sources.
5. A good-quality digital version of the A4 size map can be downloaded at the following link: http://tinyurl.com/timezonemap2016
6. Where possible, principals are encouraged to laminate the 30 maps before they are used and displayed in the classrooms. This is to ensure durability.
7. Kindly bring the content of this minute to the attention of all Tourism HoDs and educators responsible for Tourism.

DATE: 2016:04:25