1. Africa Day is commemorated on 25 May.
2. It honours the 1963 founding of the Organisation of African Unity (OAU), known today as the African Union (AU). The African Union, which is comprised of 53 member states, has brought together the continent of Africa to collectively address the various challenges it has faced, such as armed conflict, climate change, racism and poverty.
3. The purpose of commemorating Africa Day is to celebrate African unity and culture.
4. The commemoration will provide individuals with the opportunity to reflect on and raise awareness of diversity, inclusivity and racism within communities and institutions of learning.
5. Principals and educators are requested to find a suitable time during the week of Africa Day to make learners aware of their role and responsibility as citizens.
6. An Annexure with suggested activities has been included.
7. The AU anthem files are also available for downloading from our website at: http://www.wcedcurriculum.westerncape.gov.za/index.php/student-parent-support/africa-day-celebrations.
8. For further information please contact Bridget Tobin, DCES: History, at email address Bridget.Tobin@westerncape.gov.za or telephone number 021 467 2251.
9. Kindly bring the contents of this minute to the attention of relevant personnel.

DATE: 2016:04:18

Suggested activities  (size: 91 KB)
African Union Anthem  (size: 29 KB)