1. SNAP Survey 2015

  1. The annual SNAP Survey for ordinary public and independent schools will be used in the administration and governance of schools, as well as the supply of resources for 2015.

  2. The SNAP Survey for ordinary public and independent schools must be completed and signed off by the school principal on the CEMIS by 3 February 2015. The due date for IMG managers to sign off on the online CEMIS SNAP survey data is 6 February 2015.

  3. Independent schools are requested to complete the survey in hard copy and arrange for the delivery of the completed SNAP survey form, signed off by the principal and IMG manager, by no later than 9 February 2015. Completed SNAP survey forms should be delivered to:

    Mr Abdurahman Noordien
    Deputy Director: Knowledge and Information Management
    Room 19-03
    19th Floor
    Adderley Street
    Cape Town

  4. Before sign-off on the CEMIS, the principal or their delegate, must ensure that the following have been done:

    1. All learners that are registered and attending school for 2015 must appear in their correct grade and class on the CEMIS.
    2. Any learner who was expected to return, but who did not arrive at your school by 3 February 2015 to take up enrolment, must be deregistered, as per the learner attendance policy. (These learners can be re-registered on the CEMIS if they report for admission after 3 February 2015.)
    3. The list of educators on the CEMIS must be updated and verified, as at 3 February 2015, and their appointment status on the CEMIS record must be confirmed. A staff summary screen on the CEMIS will automatically populate using the verified educator data. The capture screens that report the number of staff at the school must be completed accurately.
    4. The sign-off section of the survey must be completed.
2. ANA learner registration

Learner registration for the 2015 Annual National Assessments is required at the end of February 2015. Principals must ensure that language subjects and the language of learning and teaching (LOLT) are correctly captured for each learner before the end of February 2015. Data sign-off reports will be provided in February 2015.

3. Grade 12 subject changes

The subjects taken by all Grade 12 learners must be checked for correctness and completed for sign-off by 31 January 2015. The subject change request facility for Grade12 learners will be available only until the end of January 2015.

4. The EMIS data quality will be linked to norms and standards transfer payments. EMIS data compliance reports will be available to school principals on the CEMIS from March 2015. The principal must manage the co-ordination of these required tasks to ensure accurate data on the CEMIS.

WCED appreciates the contribution and commitment of all education officials in 2014. We look forward to your continued support in 2015.

DATE: 2014:12:12