1. The final School Improvement Monitoring (SIM) for 2015 has additional questions posed by the Department of Basic Education. These questions allow for a more detailed focus on readiness for 2016.

2. The details for the fourth term are provided in the attached document.

3. The due date for this SIM has been changed to Monday, 09 November 2015 to allow more time for follow up on the various activities that are monitored.

4. Schools are asked to update their SIM reports each Monday thereafter until 01 December 2015.

5. In order to facilitate monitoring, the following procedure is followed:
5.1 The attached monitoring focus items will be provided for sign-off on the CEMIS under "ADMINISTRATION".
5.2 The principal will capture responses online.
5.3 The principal will sign off on the CEMIS.
5.4 The IMG Manager will sign off on Eduinfosearch after the final sign-off at the end of quarter and after a final discussion with the principal.
5.5 Hard copies of the final sign-off on 01 December 2015 will be kept by both the school and the IMG Manager.

6. We thank you for your commitment to quality education.

DATE: 2015:10:09

2016 School Readiness Assessment Tool and 2015 SIM Term 4  (size: 70 KB)