1. The National Policy on the Conduct, Administration and Management of the National Senior Certificate examination requires that Provincial Education Departments must ensure that all invigilators are appropriately trained to conduct the National Senior Certificate (NSC), Senior Certificate (SC) and Adult Education and Training (AET) Level 4 examinations in terms of current policy in 2015/16.
2. The Western Cape Education Department (WCED) will embark on a provincial training programme across the province from 31 August 2015 to 01 October 2015 to ensure that all principals/centre managers, chief invigilators and senior invigilators of all examination centres receive appropriate training, especially in the implementation of new examination procedures adopted to enhance the security and integrity of the examination system.
3. For 2015, it is compulsory for the principal/centre manager (chief invigilator), two school management team (SMT) members, the senior invigilator and district officials involved with the conduct, administration and management of the NSC, SC and AET Level 4 examinations to attend the training session.
4. Principals/centre managers and their SMT’s will be provided with training material and will be required to cascade the training and information shared during the provincial training sessions to other invigilators.
5. The introduction of new procedures for the distribution of the NSC question papers and the management of answer books makes the training imperative for all parties to ensure a flawless transition to the new system.
6. Despite the fact that training was compulsory in 2014, a number of administrative and behavioural offences and acts of dishonesty were identified and reported in the 2014 NSC examination. The afore-mentioned clearly demonstrates the necessity for the training of invigilators and principals for the 2015 NSC, the 2016 NSC Supplementary (in February/March 2016) and the 2016 June SC and AET Level 4 examinations.
7. The schedule reflecting the training dates, times and venues per circuit and district is attached as Annexure A. The district official, as indicated on the training schedule, wills co-ordinate the logistical arrangements for the training.
8. An attendance register will be kept at all training sessions and non-attendance will be viewed in a very serious light.
9. Kindly bring the contents of this minute to the attention of all concerned.

DATE: 2015:07:08

Annexure A: Training schedule for Principals/Centre Managers, Chief Invigilators and Assistant Invigilators  (size: 64 KB)