1. The Western Cape Education Department (WCED) is concerned that the 2014 Annual National Assessments (ANA) show that Grades 1 to 6 learners have still not performed at acceptable levels in Language and Mathematics.
2. According to Action Plan 2014: Towards the Realisation of Schooling 2025, learners in Grade 3 and 6 must perform at a minimum competency of 60% in Language and Mathematics by 2014. The table below shows the 2014 average provincial percentage achieved in the Annual National Assessment (ANA) for Language and Mathematics.

Grade Home Language First additional language Mathematics
3 53.7 % N/A 53.6 %
6 60.4 % 41.8 % 11.9 %
3. Although the results indicate that in Grade 6 a minimum average of 60% in Home Language was achieved, there is still room for improvement as the target for 2019 according to the above action plan is that all learners in these grades achieve a minimum of 75% in both Language and Mathematics.
4. To this end the analysis of the results has been completed and an intervention plan listing the high priority areas in Language and Mathematics is recommended for schools to follow from Term 2.
5. Schools are therefore requested to note the high priority areas that must be targeted for Grades 1 to 6 in the above mentioned subjects so as to address the problems that learners experienced during the ANA and WCED Systemic tests.
6. Annexure A provides an overview of the high priority areas to be strengthened in preparation for the ANA and WCED Systemic testing in 2015. Teachers are encouraged to support learners in terms of the content gaps identified. The ANA questions and WCED exemplars must be incorporated into the teaching, learning and assessment programme throughout the year and should by no means feature as an isolated activity.
7. Teachers must also engage learners productively in the DBE workbooks as this has proven to yield good results.
8. Principals are kindly requested to bring the content of this minute to the notice of the school management and the relevant teachers concerned.

DATE: 2015:04:24

Annexure A: Mathematics  (size: 48 KB)
Annexure A: Languages  (size: 51 KB)