1. National Science Week (NSW) is an annual countrywide celebration of science, technology, engineering, mathematics and innovation (STEMI). The National Mathematics Week forms part of the National Science Week (NSW), an initiative of the Department of Science and Technology (DST). NSW is managed by the South African Agency for Science and Technology Advancement (SAASTA), a business unit of the National Research Foundation (NRF).

2. During NSW there is a special focus on Science and Mathematics education. The aim is to make these subjects more attractive, engaging and rewarding to learners and the community at large. Schools may highlight the impact of mathematics and science on our daily lives and stress the importance of mathematics and science as a foundation for careers in science, technology and managerial jobs. NSW is a vehicle to popularise science and mathematics and to increase public awareness, understanding and appreciation of the subjects.

3. The Western Cape Education Department (WCED) requests all schools to have special activities based on these subjects during the NSW which will start from Saturday, 1 August to Saturday, 8 August 2015. The ideal would be to involve learners as well as their parents. The emphasis is on being aware of mathematics and science in our everyday life, having fun and taking part in an interactive way.

4. The WCED website contains excellent ideas for activities and can be accessed as follows:

  • Open the home page of the WCED;
  • Select "Teaching/Curriculum Support" (down, on left hand side);
  • Select "National Maths and Science Week" (on the black toolbar at the top left); and
  • Select the desired folders.
5. Non-governmental organisations, higher educational institutions and some district officials may have applied for funding from SAASTA to plan and run big projects involving mathematics as well as science during NSW. The WCED website will provide a programme of the science activities that will take place in the Western Cape.

6. The WCED would like to offer schools the opportunity to share their activities with officials and other schools in the province. Schools are encouraged to involve district officials and to take photographs and video clips for possible publication on the WCED website. These may be given to subject advisers to upload on the website. Other social media such as facebook and YouTube may also be considered.

7. The Department appreciates the extra efforts of our teachers to bring fun into learning and teaching in Mathematics and Science.

DATE: 2015:07:01