1. The Council of Education Ministers (CEM) meeting of 17 September 2015 approved a decision to allow condonations for learners in grades 7 – 9 that have not met the minimum promotion requirements. The condonations for grades 7 – 9 will be implemented for the next three years in light of the stricter promotion requirements for these grades since the implementation of CAPS in 2014.
1.1 Condonations will be allowed to a maximum of three (3) subjects by first applying the condonation for the fundamental subjects, i.e. Home Language, First Additional Language and Mathematics.
1.2 If a learner does not require condonations in the fundamental subjects, then condonations may be considered for the elective subjects as long as the total number of subjects condoned does not exceed three.
1.3 The condonation range can be applied as follows for 2015 to 2017:

Year 2015 2016 2017
Maximum condonation percentage per subject (maximum of three subjects) 7% 5% 3%
1.4 It is important that all learners are treated uniformly and fairly thus schools must first apply the above condonation guidelines for all learners who have not met the minimum promotion requirements and only then progress those learners that qualify due to years in a phase.
1.5 Schools should keep a record of all learners who have been condoned per subject and per grade.

2. It is important to note that the above adjustments will be effected regardless of the pass percentages of the school.

3. A more detailed DBE circular in this regards will be sent to schools once received by the WCED.

4. Principals are kindly requested to inform teachers and parents about the contents of this minute.

DATE: 2015:09:30