1. The queries received from the Auditor-General about the learners currently indicated on the Central Education Management Information System (CEMIS) as "LSEN in the Mainstream" has prompted the Directorate: Inclusive Education to review the process of how a learner is captured on CEMIS in this regard.

2. A process of verification of the learners currently indicated as learners with special educational needs (LSEN) in the mainstream on CEMIS will be undertaken by Specialised Learner and Educator Support (SLES) staff from the district. All learners who do not have documents supporting this classification will be taken off the system. CEMIS will provide a list of learner names that needs to be verified.

3. The verification process will be followed by a new procedure to indicate learners as "LSEN in the Mainstream", managed by district SLES staff and signed off by the District Head of SLES.

4. In future all schools must request SLES staff to indicate learners as "LSEN in the Mainstream." Principals must also ensure that all learners who should be marked as "LSEN in the Mainstream" are assessed by SLES staff. All supporting documents/reports must be kept in the Learner Profile, with a copy at the District SLES section.

5. When a learner leaves a school, the school who receives the learner must request the Learner Profile from the previous school. The Learner Profile may not be handed to the parent or any other party to hand to the new school. The integrity as well as the confidentiality of the Learner Profile must always be protected.

6. Learner Profiles, including all documents in the file of learners leaving a school, must be kept for at least 10 years before being destroyed - including those of learners leaving school permanently.

7. SLES staff at the district, namely the Head of SLES, Senior Psychologist, Learning Support Co-ordinator, Special Schools Co-ordinator and the District Therapist will be registered on EduInfoSearch for the following:
7.1 to verify the current list of learners marked as "LSEN in the Mainstream" and effect the necessary changes;
7.2 in future to record learners as "LSEN in the Mainstream" as well as the appropriate disability after a multi-disciplinary team discussion; and
7.3 Head of SLES to sign off on the list presented by the team. The data on CEMIS will only reflect the change after it was signed off.

SLES staff will be trained on the procedures to be followed by EduInfoSearch/CEMIS officials in the third school term.

8. As the institutional EMIS officer, the principal must manage the data processes to ensure that evidence of verification and the signatures of staff delegated to check the data, are present.

9. Please direct all queries relating to this minute to Du Toit Stegmann and Thando Pokolo at tel. nos. 021 467 2121 and 021 467 2289 respectively.

DATE: 2014:06:17