1. In October 2013, the Western Cape Education Department administered the Grades 3, 6 and 9 Mathematics and Language Systemic Tests.

2. The results were released to schools on 17 January 2014 with the exception of the Grade 3 Language results. These results will be available on CEMIS from 7 February 2014.

3. Additional reports have therefore been generated. Note that the Mathematics results have not changed. To access the complete reports follow the procedure below:

  • On CEMIS select the menu item "Assessment".
  • On the drop-down menu, select "Grade 3 Maths/Lang Results 2013".
  • The results should appear on the screen.
  • Should the results not appear, go to the menu bar at the top and select "Tools". Then select "Pop-up Blocker", select "Turn-off Pop-up Blocker" and click.
  • Once this has been completed, select one of the grades to view the results.
4. For any enquiries regarding the content of this minute, please contact the official responsible for your district, as specified in the table below:

Contact person Education district
Dr Audrey Wyngaard, tel. 021 467 9272
Metro East
Ms Bukelwa Maxakana , tel. 021 467 9296
Metro South
Cape Winelands
Dr Nomawabo Makapela, tel. 021 467 9297
Metro North
Eden & Central Karoo
Mr Vumile Nyalashe, tel. 021 467 9350
Metro Central
West Coast
Independent Schools

DATE: 2014:02:04