1. The Western Cape Education Department (WCED) will be supplying maths kits to selected schools within Phase 3 of the Literacy and Numeracy Intervention. Delivery will take place between 20 October and 20 November 2014.

2. The list of schools receiving these kits is attached.

3. In these schools every teacher or class from Grades 1 to 6 will be supplied with a Mathematics kit containing a variety of manipulatives suitable for teaching Mathematics.

4. Each delivery must be checked immediately by the principal and staff as follows:
4.1 Check that the quantities delivered per phase and grade correspond with the quantities stated on the delivery note and on the inventory provided with each kit. If there are any shortages or breakages, these must be reported to Head Office in writing within 48 hours. A copy of this report must be kept on file.
4.2 The relevant contact details at Head Office are as follows:
Ms B Goetham fax. no.: 086 653 7161; email: Bonita.Goetham@westerncape.gov.za
Mr A Lamprecht fax. no.: 021467 9369; email: Andre.JLamprecht@westerncape.gov.za
4.3 Failure to notify Head Office in writing within the stipulated period will render the school liable for rectifying the situation. The service provider has undertaken to rectify any omissions or breakages within two weeks of notification thereof.

5. The attached Annexures A and B provide a list of the contents of each kit supplied for the Foundation and Intermediate Phases.

6. Principals and heads of departments must ensure that an inventory is kept of all the resources provided by the WCED and that a strict retrieval policy is in operation.

7. A teacher’s guide is included with each kit to assist the teacher in the effective use of the manipulatives in the classroom. Education district officials will also support and guide teachers in the use of the manipulatives. It is expected that the kits be intact and in good condition when assistance is provided.

8. Teachers and learners are encouraged to familiarise themselves with the content of each kit supplied for the Foundation and Intermediate Phases.

9. Schools are requested to ensure that these Mathematics kits are used and managed with care as no replacements will be provided in the next 5 years. The repair and replacement of damaged or lost components will be the responsibility of the school.

10. The use of the kit will be monitored by the phase head or head of department and district officials.

11. Principals are kindly requested to bring the content of this minute to the notice of school management and all teachers.

DATE: 2014:10:09

List of schools  (size: 42 KB MS Word® .doc)
Annexure A & B  (size: 32 KB)