1. Entries are invited for the 2014 Southern African Development Community (SADC) Essay Competition.

2. The theme for 2014 is "Climate change is having adverse effects on socio-economic development in the region. What should the education sector do to mitigate the impact on the youth?"

3. Entries should be e-mailed to one of the following officials by 11 April 2014:

  Ms Rendani Manugu at Manugu.R@dbe.gov.za
Ms Matome Sekgota at Sekgota.M@dbe.gov.za

4. Kindly note that

  • the essay must be written in English and should not be longer than 2000 words;
  • if the essay is typed, the entrant must use Arial 12 (1.5 spacing) and number the pages;
  • the front cover must provide the learner¡¦s name, contact details (cell phone number and e-mail address) and name of school and province; and
  • this competition is open to secondary school learners only.
5. For more information, visit the competition website at http://www.education.gov.za/Home/SADCEssayCompetition/tabid/710/Default.aspx

6. We wish to encourage all schools to participate in this exciting competition.

7. Kindly bring the content of this minute to the attention of the teachers concerned.

DATE: 2014:02:18