1. The Department of Basic Education (DBE), in partnership with the National Heritage Council (NHC), invites all schools to participate in their education outreach programme in commemoration of Heritage Day 2014.

2. This competition will form part of the Department’s contribution to strengthening the teaching and learning of History and Tourism in schools. The national finals will be held at the Augrabies Waterfall National Park, 06 to 10 October 2014. One school will be selected to represent the Western Cape at the national event.

3. This programme was introduced in 2008 to inculcate among young people the significance of promoting and preserving the tangible and intangible heritage of South Africa. The programme also promotes social cohesion while strengthening and supporting the school curriculum through the restoration of African humanity.

4. It is also part of the Department’s on-going initiative to encourage all learners to develop an understanding of South Africa’s cultural heritage and diversity, and is an opportunity for learners to develop important research skills.


The bi-focus on the Heritage Outreach Programme will be on the intangible cultural heritage and liberation heritage of South Africa.

Learners will be expected to do THREE things:

5.1 Learners will use the template (Annexure A) to draw up a database of the threatened/endangered tangible and intangible cultural heritage in their community.
5.2 Learners will be given 10 minutes to present these findings and make recommendations on how to preserve and promote heritage under threat.
5.3 Following the celebration of 20 years of democracy, learners are expected to research whether we as a country have transformed in every sphere since 1994; symbolic moments during the past 20 years that have given us a reason to celebrate; and the direction we need to take to realise a democratic, non-racial, non-sexist, united and prosperous society based on justice, equality, the rule of law and inalienable human rights for all. Learners will be given 5 minutes to present these findings.
5.4 Learners are required to identify and report on the status of the graves of the military veterans in their township/province. Learners must provide a report (minimum 2 pages) on their status and possible interventions to ensure that they are appropriately preserved. Learners will be given 5 minutes to present these findings.


The following selection criteria should be adhered to when identifying participants:

6.1 Four Grade 10 learners from the same school.
6.2 In co-educational schools gender sensitivity must be applied to the selection of teams (2 girls and 2 boys).
6.3 This competition is only open to schools from disadvantaged communities.
6.4 This competition is only open to learners who have NOT participated in any of the following: Nkosi Albert Luthuli Oral History Competition, Heritage Education Outreach Programme, YCAP, SANParks Environmental Education programmes and Moot Court Competition in 2014.


The assessment criteria which will be used to adjudicate presentation at both provincial and national level are contained in Annexure B.

8.1 Schools wishing to participate in this competition must complete the attached application form (Annexure C) and return it to their district officials (curriculum advisers for History or Tourism) by 29 August 2014.
8.2 Teachers need to identify and prepare learners for the elimination round within the districts and for the provincial event, ensure that all learners who have entered are present and ready for the provincial event and ensure that the necessary transport to and from the event is arranged.
8.3 Learners need to complete their research, database and presentations, be prepared to answer any questions regarding their projects and research and be able to reflect and share their personal experiences of the research project.
8.4 The provincial adjudication will be held on Saturday, 06 September 2014. It will result in one school team being selected to represent the Western Cape at the national finals. The venue will be confirmed to all participating schools via the curriculum advisers for History and Tourism. The Western Cape Education Department Head Office will be responsible for covering all travel costs to and from the provincial adjudication.
8.5 The NHC will be responsible for the travel and accommodation costs for participating learners and teachers during the national competition at the Augrabies Waterfall National Park, 06 to 10 October 2014.
8.6 For further information, please contact Dr Kate Angier at tel. no. 021 467 2251 or e-mail address kate.angier@westerncape.gov.za

9. Principals are kindly requested to bring the contents of this minute to the notice of the school management team and teachers concerned.

DATE: 2014:08:22

Annexure A: Heritage Education Outreach Programme - 2014  (size: 86 KB)
Annexure B: 2014 Heritage Education Outreach Project: Adjudicators’ Score Sheet  (size: 57 KB)
Annexure C: National Heritage Council: 2014 Heritage Education Outreach Project  (size: 55 KB)