1. The Department of Basic Education (DBE) has requested the Western Cape Education Department (WCED) to ensure that all parents of learners who wrote the 2014 Annual National Assessments (ANA) in Grades 1 - 6 and 9 are provided with a report on their child's performance.
2. Two reports are available on the Centralised Education Management Information System (CEMIS) for schools to download. Both learner reports contain the achievement levels and percentages achieved by the learner and the grade average for the subjects at the school. On the second report the educator can provide comments on the learner’s strengths and areas where the learner needs to improve.
3. Principals may decide which of the two reporting options to use at their school.
4. Both report templates are available by logging on to CEMIS, under the "Assessments" tab and then under "ANA reports 2014". Principals are requested to ensure that learner reports are issued to parents by14 November 2014.
5. The WCED sincerely appreciates the work done by teachers and principals in administering, conducting and marking the ANA, and kindly requests that schools analyse their ANA results and use them to strengthen teaching and learning.

DATE: 2014:10:31