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Examination guidelines for the common assessment task for Life Orientation |
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The Department of Basic Education (DBE) has developed examination guidelines for the common assessment task (CAT) in an effort to assist teachers and learners in their preparation for the 2014 CAT for Life Orientation (LO). |
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The guidelines are available on the Western Cape Education Department (WCED) Further Education and Training (FET) assessment website, http://www.wcedcurriculum.westerncape.gov.za/
- Click on "Assessment Management / FET Assessment".
- Click on "Downloads" in the left bar.
- Click on the "Examination Guidelines for LO CAT" folder and download the guidelines.
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Attached to this minute is the examination guideline for CAT for LO (Annexure A). |
2.1 |
The CAT for LO is part of the final promotion mark in Grade 12 and therefore all schools must write it. |
2.2 |
The date for the writing of CAT for LO is 05 September 2014, from 09:00 to 11:00. Any deviation from this date and time will be regarded as a serious irregularity. |
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The CAT for LO will consist of a two (2) hour paper totalling 80 marks. It will replace Task 4 in Term 3 and will constitute 20% of the final mark for LO. |
2.4 |
The WCED will print question papers for CAT for LO for all learners in the province according to the final registration data as indicated on the Centralised Education Management Information System (CEMIS) and distribute them to all schools that offer the National Senior Certificate (NSC). |
2.5 |
Upon receipt of the question papers, principals must take full responsibility as Chief Examination Officers to ensure that all conditions and rules relating to the NSC examinations are followed. |
2.6 |
Principals must open the envelope on the day of the examination in the presence of the learners and oversee the distribution of the question papers. |
2.7 |
Principals must ensure that invigilators are vigilant during the writing of CAT for LO. |
2.8 |
After the writing of CAT, the scripts must be sealed in the bag provided and stored in the strongroom of the school until the commencement of marking. |
3. |
Marking guideline discussions |
3.1 |
National and provincial marking guideline discussions meetings will take place during September 2014. |
3.2 |
The final marking guideline will be provided to schools by 18 September 2014 and scripts may only be removed from the strongroom on the day marking commences. |
4.1 |
The marking of CAT should be conducted at the school under the supervision of the principal, with a senior teacher or Head of Department (HOD) acting as the internal moderator. |
4.2 |
The marking process should commence on 19 September 2014 and must be concluded by 30 September 2014. |
4.3 |
Where there is more than one teacher teaching LO at the school, principals should ensure that teachers do not mark the scripts of their own learners. |
5. |
Moderation of learner evidence |
5.1 |
At least 10% of the marked scripts should be moderated by a senior teacher or HOD. |
5.2 |
The Curriculum Adviser for LO must moderate a sample of scripts from selected schools. |
5.3 |
Provincial and national moderation of CAT for LO shall take place during October 2014. |
6. |
Capturing of marks for CAT for LO |
6.1 |
A special mark sheet will be issued to schools for the recording of marks for CAT for LO. This mark sheet will be additional to the normal mark sheet provided for LO. |
6.2 |
The CAT mark sheet must be sent to the WCED together with the rest of the school based assessment mark sheets. |
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Principals are kindly requested to make the necessary arrangements for the conduct of this assessment. |
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Kindly bring this information to the attention of all Life Orientation teachers and learners. |
DATE: 2014:07:18