1. The WCED has been conducting systemic tests in Mathematics and Language for Grades 3 and 6 since 2002. In 2010 testing was extended to include Grade 9.

2. Learners in all public ordinary schools with 5 or more learners in the specific grades are tested.

3. Special schools are excluded from the testing programme.

4. In the past, the schools listed above were classified as Special Schools and did not participate in the WCED Systemic tests for Grade 9.

5. A decision has been taken that these schools will no longer be classified as Special Schools and will participate in the tests from 2013.

6. Below are important features of the systemic testing programme that everyone needs to be aware of:

  • The tests are independently administered. Selected service providers are responsible for the administration of the tests.
  • Testing material is kept confidential and WCED employees are requested not to try to get a glimpse of the papers. The service providers are appropriately briefed in as far as this is concerned.
  • Test date notification letters are sent to participating schools.
  • The notification letters also refer to exemplars that are available on CEMIS.
7. The exemplars have been placed on the CEMIS and can be accessed as follows:

  • Select the menu item, "Assessment".
  • n the drop-down menu, select the icon indicating the exemplars for the appropriate grade, e.g. Grade 3 Exemplars, Grade 6 Exemplars or Grade 9 Exemplars.
  • Click on the learning area you wish to open: i.e. choose between "Language" and "Mathematics".
  • Boxes with language options will open.
  • Select the language of your choice and download the exemplars and the educatorˇ¦s guide (where appropriate).
8. Should you have any question relating to systemic testing, please contact Dr Andile Siyengo at (021) 467 2023 for further assistance.

DATE: 2013:08:05