1. |
The purpose of this minute is to remind you of the inputs required from you for the compilation of financial statements by the Western Cape Education Department for the 2012/2013 financial year. This minute must be read in conjunction with Financial Accounting Minute 0002/2013 on the BAS closing procedures for the 2012/2013 financial year. |
2. |
In terms of Section 40(1)(c) of the Public Finance Management Act (PFMA), 1999 (Act 1 of 1999), as amended by Act 29 of 1999, the Accounting Officer must prepare financial statements for each financial year and submit them for auditing, within two months of the end of a financial year, to the Auditor-General (AG) and the Provincial Treasury , who will prepare consolidated financial statements. This means that the WCED’s completed and signed financial statements must be submitted by no later than 31 May 2013.
3. |
To enable the Directorate: Financial Accounting to comply with the requirements of the PFMA, it is essential that the persons on the attached list submit their inputs to this directorate as soon as possible after the closure of the financial year, or by no later than 21 April 2013 if not subject to closure. Kindly note that inputs must be accompanied by supporting documentation in electronic format, as and when required by the AG’s Office. All inputs or supporting documentation submitted in hard-copy format must be certified as correct and signed by the relevant director or supervisor. |
4. |
For convenient reference, electronic versions of the extracts from the template for the compilation of the financial statements applicable to each section, together with the relevant guide for the preparation of the financial statements, will be e-mailed to the persons on the attached list. |
5. |
Any enquiries in this respect may be directed to Mr MJ Comer at tel. no. 021 467 2736 or Mr H Mouton at tel. no. 021 467 2263. |
6. |
Your co-operation will be highly appreciated. |
DATE: 2013:04:05