1. As you are aware, your school has been selected to participate in Phase 3 of the provincial Literacy and Numeracy Intervention. (Curriculum Minute 0003/2013 and the District Phase 3 information sessions refer.)
2. The phase is to be conducted over 2 cycles:

  • Cycle 1 begins in June-July 2013, with a 5-day training session for teachers, in either Language or Mathematics. This will be followed by targeted on-site support for teachers to assist them with implementing the new methodologies.

  • Cycle 2 training will be held during June-July 2014 where schools will swop – that is schools that receive Language support in Cycle 1, will now receive Mathematics support in Cycle 2, and vice versa.
3. This minute serves to inform all Phase 3 schools of the logistics for the June-July training:

24 June to 28 June 2013 1 July to 5 July 2013 Training will take place over 5 days. The times are as follows:

  • Monday: Registration at 8:00. Training begins 8:30 and ends 16:00
  • Tuesday to Thursday 08:30 to 16:00
  • Friday: 8:30 to 14:00

Please see Annexure A for venues.

Metro South Education District Metro Central Education District
Metro East Education District Metro North Education District
Cape Winelands Education District Eden & Central Karoo Education District
West Coast Education District  

4. The following teachers must be registered to attend the training:

  • Schools that will receive Language training and support in Cycle 1 (see Annexure A) must register all Foundation Phase teachers (Grades 1 to 3), only those Intermediate Phase teachers who teach Languages (Grades 4 to 6) and the HODs of both Phases.

  • Schools that will receive Mathematics training and support in Cycle 1 (see Annexure A) must register all Foundation Phase teachers (Grades 1 to 3), only those Intermediate Phase teachers who teach Mathematics (Grades 4 to 6) and the HODs of both Phases.

  • The learning support teacher who services the school may also attend, where relevant.

  • The unit class teacher may also attend, where relevant.
5. Registration

Prompt registration of the above teachers is essential for planning a successful training week. Principals are therefore requested to complete the attached registration form (Annexure B) and return it by 29 May 2013, to the relevant district GET co-ordinator (see below).

All course logistics, including registers, course materials, certificates, catering and venues will be based on the information provided on the form. Accuracy of this information is therefore of utmost importance.

6. Travel

As far as possible, teachers must share transport. A travel allowance will be paid subject to the following conditions:

  • Full training course attendance is confirmed.
  • Minimum travel claim: The total distance claimed for the 5-day period must exceed 100 km, i.e. a minimum 20 km return trip each day
  • Maximum travel claim: The total distance claimed for the 5-day period may not exceed 700 km, i.e. not more than a 140 km return trip each day. Participants whose return travel exceeds 700km are therefore advised to register for accommodation instead (see below).
  • All claims must be submitted to the claims officer at the training venue. No late claims will be entertained.
  • WCED teachers who are paid through the PERSAL system, MUST bring their PERSAL number.
  • Non-WCED teachers who are not paid through the PERSAL system, MUST complete the attached BAS Z76, and have the bank details entered on the form verified and stamped by the bank BEFORE the training course.
  • Types of claims:
Use of own car Only the driver or owner of the vehicle may claim for the kilometres travelled.
A standard rate of R2.50 per kilometre will be paid.
Engine capacity will not apply.
Use of a private lift club Only the driver or owner of the vehicle may claim for the kilometres travelled.
A standard rate of R2.50 per kilometre will be paid.
Engine capacity will not apply.
Use of a school bus The school must submit a letter indicating that the school bus was used, the names of the passengers and the distance travelled.
A standard rate of R2.50 per kilometre will be paid.
Engine capacity will not apply.
Use of a registered service provider

Note: prior approval must be obtained in writing from the district's
GET co-ordinator.

The school must obtain 3 quotations and arrange for the hire of the service with the lowest quotation. The SCHOOL must pay the service provider. All quotations must be kept as evidence for the internal auditor.

The WCED will reimburse the school upon receipt of signed documentation, including the written prior approval from the district’s GET co-ordinator.

Teachers should arrange a group pick-up at a central point.

Use of public transport, e.g. a taxi, bus, train Claims must indicate the start and end point of each stage of the journey.

Reimbursements will be made according to standard rates. Evidence (tickets) may be requested by the claims officer in order to validate the claim.

No metered taxi fares may be claimed.

7. Accommodation and meals (where relevant)

Accommodation and meals (dinner and breakfast) will be made available on the following basis only:

  • The distance to the training venue must exceed 120 km return, per day.
  • Full training course attendance is confirmed.
  • From the first to the last day of the training course, with the option of checking-in between 16:00 and 18:00 on the Sunday before the course begins.
  • Types of accommodation that can be used:
Hostel accommodation FET college hostel accommodation, at no charge to teachers, has been secured. The following conditions will apply:

  • Teachers must complete and return the attached registration slip (Annexure B) by due date.
  • Accommodation will be in shared rooms and teachers are required to bring their own bedding, towels and toiletries.
  • Places are limited – first come, first served.
Registered hospitality establishments e.g. bed and breakfast, guest house, hotel Teachers who choose not to stay in the hostel may stay in a registered hospitality establishment. The following conditions will apply:

  • Teachers must complete and return the attached registration slip (Annexure B) by due date
  • Up to R300 per day may be claimed for dinner, bed and breakfast.
  • An original invoice from the establishment must be countersigned by the claimant and submitted to the claims officer at the training course.
Family accommodation The following conditions apply to teachers who choose to stay with family:

  • Teachers must complete and return the attached registration slip (Annexure B) by due date.
  • Up to R160 per day may be claimed for dinner, bed and breakfast.
  • This claim must be accompanied by a sworn affidavit from the relative concerned, countersigned by the claimant and submitted to the claims officer at the training course.

8. How to claim

  • Each training venue will have a claims officer to manage all claims.

  • All claims must be submitted at the training venue to the designated claims officer.

  • Assistance with claims will be made available during the tea and lunch breaks and it is incumbent on a claimant to make use of this service and ensure his or her claim is valid and correct.

  • No late claims will be accepted.

  • No incomplete claims will be accepted.

  • Participants or schools who wish to claim must ensure that they bring the relevant details and documents to the course. In this regard please note the following:

    • WCED teachers who are paid through the PERSAL system, MUST bring their PERSAL number.

    • Non-WCED teachers, who are not paid through the PERSAL system, must submit the attached BAS Z76 to the claims officer. (See Annexure C.) Bank account details entered on the form MUST be verified and stamped by the bank BEFORE the training course.

  • Only original documents may be submitted. No faxes or photocopies will be accepted.

Claimants will be reimbursed only after completion of the training course, and therefore will have to pay their own expenses up front. Where necessary, schools are kindly requested to assist their teachers in this regard. Proof of payment must be kept.

Reimbursements will be made only after careful scrutiny of the claim, and the WCED reserves the right to make the final decision where there is any discrepancy.

9. Queries

Should you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact the relevant district GET co-ordinator, whose contact details are given below:

District Co-ordinator Tel. e-Mail Fax
Metro Central Avrille Morgendal 021 514 6770 amorgen@westerncape.gov.za 021 514 6953
Metro North Malefo Makena 021 938 3104 mmakena@westerncape.gov.za 021 938 3183
Metro South Fadli Wagiet 021 370 2041 Fwagiet@westerncape.gov.za 086 729 7055
Metro East Ursula Esau 021 900 7051 Uesau@westerncape.gov.za 086 556 9519
West Coast Ebrahim Peck 021 860 1569 epeck@westerncape.gov.za 086 5900 730
Cape Winelands Edgar Johannes 023 348 4604 eajohann@westerncape.gov.za 086 531 0476
Eden & C Karoo Marietjie Beukes 044 803 8320 Marietjie.Beukes@westerncape.gov.za 086 242 1854

10. Principals are requested to ensure that information in this minute is conveyed to all teachers and that all relevant registration details are lodged with the district’s GET co-ordinator by no later than 29 May 2013.

11. The WCED looks forward to your school’s participation in Phase 3 of this Intervention, as an indication of your positive response to the challenge that we face in raising literacy and numeracy levels, and in ensuring that all learners are able to read, write and calculate at acceptable international levels.

DATE: 2013:05:21

Annexure A: Schools and venues for language training  (size: 28 KB)
Annexure B: Registration for language training  (size: 31 KB)
Annexure C: BAS Creditor payment  (size: 30 KB)