1. The AstroQuiz is a science competition for Grade 7 learners which is based on astronomyrelated themes and is related to the "Earth and Beyond" section of the Natural Sciences syllabus.

2. The AstroQuiz is a project funded by South African Agency for Science and Technology Advancement and run provincially by the South African Astronomical Observatory (SAAO). This project is aimed at

  • encouraging an interest in science in primary schools;
  • improve classroom practice;
  • creating awareness and insight into basic astronomy, science and mathematics;
  • fostering an interest in career opportunities in astronomy and other sciences.
3. The Western Cape Education Department (WCED) encourages schools to participate in the 2013 AstroQuiz.

4. The AstroQuiz is a competition run in English only. The resource pack for the AstroQuiz and previous years’ question papers will be delivered to participating schools by the SAAO.

5. The WCED requests all schools to use the AstroQuiz resource pack and the question papers to give learners practice in writing the quiz. This should be an open-book activity for groups of four learners, with each group working as a team.

6. Details and important dates regarding the quiz are provided in the attached quiz information document (AQ_Information_2013) on the letterhead of the NRF/SAAO.

7. The first two rounds of the provincial AstroQuiz will be held at school level. Round 1 will be held on Friday, 12 April 2013 and Round 2 on Friday, 7 June 2013. Schools may arrange to participate in these two rounds online.

8. Provincial Rounds 3 and 4 will be held on the same day, Friday 26 July 2013, at the SAAO in Observatory, Cape Town. The winning school will represent the province at the national competition, which will be held on Friday, 25 October 2013. The venue for the final national event will be announced later.

9. The last day for registration is Thursday, 28 March 2013. Interested schools must register directly with the SAAO. Use the attached registration form (AQ_registration form_2013) and fax or e-mail it to the SAAO. Schools that intend to take the quiz online should visit the website astroquiz.saao.ac.za to register. The online system requires Internet Explorer 9 (or a later version), Firefox or Safari if using Mc.OS. Make sure to install the new version as early as possible if the school still has an old version.

10. Grade 7 teachers from participating schools will be invited by SAAO to a hands-on Astronomy Software workshop. They will be introduced to some exciting astronomy software that may be used in the classroom to extend learners in the subject. This workshop will be computer based and will therefore require access to a computer. The dates for the workshops will be communicated by SAAO.

11. Principals are requested to bring this minute to the attention of all teachers of Natural Sciences.

DATE: 2013:03:14

AQ_Information_2013  (size: 51 KB)
AQ_registration form_2013  (size: 34 KB)